Pustolovina - 116 Igre |
Chiko: Slucajni svemirac Na Game On inicijativu, Australija nas je vec opskrbljivala sa visoko kvalitetnim besplatnim igrama ( neke od njih su vec bile ocjenjene na pepere-u, Chasm, Dots and Diamond i Tork).
Chiko je jos jedna krasna flesh avantura koja dolazi iz Australije.
Pomozi Chiku da se vrati na Zemlju u 3 epizode.
Igra je ogromna za ucitavanje i istrazivanje, sa mnogo zadataka, stvari za sakupiti i mini-igara. [Podnestite ispravak ] Komentari(0) - Poslao jp / Preveo marsupilami |
Submachine 2, The lighthouse Submachine 2 is the new point-and-click adventure game developed by Mateusz Skutnik from Poland. While Submachine version 1 had 20 rooms, this one has a total of 98 rooms, and the puzzles are a lot tougher. Graphics and atmospheric sounds have been carefully designed. Overall, a very pleasant game experience. [Prevedite ] [Podnestite ispravak ] Komentari(7) - Poslao jp / Preveo jp |
Chronon v0 Chronon is the brand new point-and-click game from Eyezmaze.com. The purpose of this game is to free the little yellow dwarf. This is accomplished by manipulating specific objects at the correct time throughout the day. The master of this house will come back at 7pm. The difficulty of the game arises in time axis...
Other games by Eyezmaze: Vanilla and Grow cube.
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Pustolovina saljivih hlaca Pustolovina saljivih hlaca je on line igra, koju je stvorio Bred Borne. Mozes se igrati s dobro animiranim likovima, upravljanjem tekucine i s izvrsnim fizickim sposobnostima (mozes napraviti znatan broj akrobatskih oblika), igra podsjeca na igru N Game. Cilj igre je otkriti nivoe i skupiti trofeje. Strelice desno i lijevo su za micanje, strelica prema gore otvara vrata, a sa tipkom (S) mozes skakati. [Podnestite ispravak ] Komentari(1) - Poslao jp / |
Hapland 3 Point and click games have been invented by Robin Allen, the creator of Hapland series. Here comes the third episode, very closed to Hapland 1 and Hapland 2 but still so enjoyable and maybe more difficult. [Prevedite ] [Podnestite ispravak ] Komentari(0) - Poslao jp / Preveo jp |
Nikada više 2 Lik ove simpatične igrice zatvorena je za igranje na principu "naznači i klikni" no unatoč tome malog heroja možete kontolirati strelicama na ipkovnici. Morate osvojiti jedan stari rudnik zlata na vrhu planine. Igrica je razvijena na Adam Westerman i cijela stvar je u skakanju. Na svakom nivou moraš skakati po različitim nepomičnim ili pomičnim platformama kako bi dosegao slijedeći nivo. Ako ti se igrica sviđa možeš probati također i ovu Nevermore 1. Savjet: Neke od platformi su sakrivene na pozadini. Pritisni razmaknicu i što je dulje pritišćeš skok je viši. [Podnestite ispravak ] Komentari(0) - Poslao jp / |
Cityscape Cityscape is a game on the same basis as Grow, but this time you are building a city. If you like Grow, or SimCity you'll probably enjoy this game. [Prevedite ] [Podnestite ispravak ] Komentari(2) - Poslao jp / Preveo jp |
Stickman Odo (1 and 2) This point'n'click game from Korea offers simple but efficient gameplay and design. Click right places at the right moment and avoid the wrong choices that make you die. If you like Stickman Odo, try Stickman Odo 2.
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Industry 2 This game, developed by James "Dangerskew" Trofe, follows the point-and-click concept popularized by Rob Allen's Hapland series of games. There are only 2 levels to complete out of 8 or 9. [Prevedite ] [Podnestite ispravak ] Komentari(3) - Poslao jp / Preveo jp |
ToWeR A point-and-click game that requires some creativity and logic. Despite the lack of music, the sound effects and graphics are good. Click on "PLAY THIS GAME!" to start the game. [Prevedite ] [Podnestite ispravak ] Komentari(4) - Poslao jp / Preveo jp |