Zabava - 182 Igre |
Chuck Norris "Tchâqui Noùris" reposjecuje povijest igara(Mario, Sonic, Street fighters, ...), i dobija. Strelice za kretanje, razmak za skok i CTRL za udarac. [Podnestite ispravak ] Komentari(0) - Poslao jp / Preveo zexy |
Ragdoll Cannon 2 Ragdoll Cannon impreionira jednostavnom idejom (cilj napucati lutku na gol). Tu su (nazalost) samo nekoliko razina za igru tako da je zabava ogranicena. Ali sada ovaj sequal omogucuje razlicite stilove i cak vise razina.
Tu je nekoliko novih boksova: ubijajuci boks (unistava vasu lutku) i pokretni boks.
Kreci se i pucaj sa misem. Moc je odredjena udaljenosti misa od oruzja. To je sve. Izvrsna igra od Johnny-K (i fizicki opgon je Box2D)
Ako vam se svidja ova igra mozda biste htjeli probati Ragdoll. [Podnestite ispravak ] Komentari(0) - Poslao Wormhole / Preveo zexy |
Doeo Doeo je vrlo zabavna mini igra od strane Markus Richert (aka Raitendo) gdje morate skupljati zahtjevani broj Deo-a koji se rasipaju po cijelom prostoru. [Podnestite ispravak ] Komentari(0) - Poslao jp / Preveo zexy |
Coign of vantage Philipp Seifried, the author of the popular Drifts just released his new game on his new website. A casual 3d puzzle game in which you have to rotate a pixel-cloud with the mouse until it matches the icon. Assemble as many images as you can before the time runs out. [Prevedite ] [Podnestite ispravak ] Komentari(0) - Poslao jp / Preveo jp |
Akinator Think about a famous character, reply to a few questions of Akinator the magician, and he guesses right (most of the time) !!! [Prevedite ] [Podnestite ispravak ] Komentari(5) - Poslao jp / Preveo jp |
Hedgedog launch The game looks stupid at first but, be careful, it's highly addictive. Your goal is to launch a hedgedog in the outer space. You start with very few means, but days after days, you collect coins and you can improve, the launcher, the rockets etc... Left and right arrows to move the hedgehog, and additional keys when you upgrade it with a parachute and an e-rocket. I succeeded in 20 days (game days), but some made it in 6 days. [Prevedite ] [Podnestite ispravak ] Komentari(1) - Poslao jp / Preveo jp |
Rigby Simple, fresh, and fun. Jump on each block without touching the ground to clear the 20 levels of this neat little game. Hold down spacebar to jump and press left/right cursor keys to move. A game by Jon Kristinsson (BigJKO). [Prevedite ] [Podnestite ispravak ] Komentari(2) - Poslao jp / Preveo jp |
Twin Hobbot Rocket! A new game by our friend Komix. You control a "Hobot" with the arrow keys (and WASD keys in 2 player mode). You can stay close to the aliens but don't hit them. Avoid the asteroids. Hot air ballons carry the moeny bags, don't hit the ballons or you loose the money. [Prevedite ] [Podnestite ispravak ] Komentari(0) - Poslao jp / Preveo jp |
Music match Catch all the shapes that appear when the music plays except the red ones. Don't miss purple shapes! The game ends when the hypnotic piano songs ends. Brilliant! [Prevedite ] [Podnestite ispravak ] Komentari(0) - Poslao jp / Preveo jp |
Pirates of JTS A very nice physics game! Push the cursor over the sail to create wind and move your boat. Move the cursor over the water to create waves. Pick up objects and people, loot islands and buy new crew. Shot at ennemy ships. Catch cannon balls and throw them back. Find burried treasure.
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