Últims jocs - 91 Jocs |

| PopoPong Arkanoid-like game with 15 levels, several bonus items and a special multiball feature (you can have infinite balls on screen).
A level editor is integrated in the game so you can create your own levels and play them by selecting "Play uiser-defined levels" button.
Your own levels are stored into your hard-disk so they don't disappear when you quit the game. [Traduiu ] [Proposa una correcció ]Creat per popoyl Traduït per popoyl |

| Puzzle The goal of this game is to assemble all of the pieces with the
numbers as it is displayed at the begining of the game. To move the
pieces you need to click on one, so it moves into the empty space. The
faster you put together all the pieces, the more points you will
score. Enjoy the game! [Traduiu ] [Proposa una correcció ]Creat per grzesiek86-13 Traduït per jp |

| Football Es un remake d'un dels jocs mes vells i mes famosos de la web, Sonar challenge. Has de clickar amb el ratoli a la part de baix de la pilota per fer-la rebotar, manten-la a l'aire tan com puguis. [Proposa una correcció ]Creat per grzesiek86-13 Traduït per Ricard |

| Jade Emperor The Emperor´s riches fill up his treasury until they reach the coin of sorrow.
Save the Emperor from bad luck and eliminate all cursed Treasures. [Traduiu ] [Proposa una correcció ]Creat per qplaygames Traduït per qplaygames |

| Jump Gear - Random Jump Gear is a game inspired by the classic BMX series and it also borrows some aspects of the famous Nanaca crash game. It was developed with Flash 8 and you need Flash 8 player to play it.
The originality of Jump Gear comes from the hero's ability to jump (spacebar). If you wish to enter the highscore one day, you need to control perfectly your leaps over the hills (left & right arrows). As... [Traduiu ] [Proposa una correcció ]Creat per jp Traduït per jp |

| Chickencatcher All the farmer's chickens have run away, so he has hired you to catch as many as you can..
Do this by clicking on the chicken that's running around on the screen..
Click on the egg that appears once in a while to stun the chicken..
The more chickens you catch, the faster they'll run around.. [Traduiu ] [Proposa una correcció ]Creat per d0ornab Traduït per Morgue |

| Invasors de l'Espai Un "remake" del joc clàssic Space Invaders. Alienígenes amplots, armes linials i efectes de so groovy a dojo en aquest clàssic d'arcade. Juga amb la fletxa i la barra d'espai. [Proposa una correcció ]Creat per neave Traduït per Tondo Rotondo http://cucadellum.blogspot |

| Neave Frogger Ajuda les teves granotes a travessar el carrer i el riu, i porta-les a casa seva abans que s'acabi el temps.
Utilitza les fletxes per moure la granota. [Proposa una correcció ]Creat per neave Traduït per 18072 |

| Noname Game Collect as many apples you can without being eaten up by the monster to raise your score, but also to raise the boost-meter..
When your boost-meter gets green, your speed is increased and the apples are worth more.. when it's empty, you'll have normal speed.. The higher the boost-meter are, the more points you'll get..
Use arrow keys to move.. [Traduiu ] [Proposa una correcció ]Creat per d0ornab Traduït per d0ornab |

| Camera Mind This is a little game of brain-fitness.
I found it the best with the gameplay as minimalistic as possible. It's just a challenge against yourself.
On each new level, a new circle appears. Click on it to reach the next level.
[Traduiu ] [Proposa una correcció ]Creat per walnoot Traduït per walnoot |