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Stress - 144 Games
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Grab the falling food, adapting the colors of the little monster to the colors of the food. Mouse to move and keyboard to change colors.
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Comments(0) - Submitted by jp / Translated by jp
Capture the flag
Dodge the red ennemies and their arrows, grab the red flag and come back to your blue base. Very difficult...
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Comments(0) - Submitted by jp / Translated by jp
Bugs are coming
Move the mouse and avoid bugs-simple right...wrong. You are the pink bubble and it is your job to avoid the creepy crawlies that are running through your screen. Every few seconds you grow ever larger which makes it increasingly difficult to avoid the multitude of bugs. Thankfully when you hear a small ring or ding that means that a yellow bubble is about to enter the screen. Touch this bubble and you will reduce one size, but a few seconds later you will grow again. The goal of the game is to last as long as possible without touching or being touched by a bug.
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Comments(0) - Submitted by jp / Translated by jennalynn6
Invisible mouse
Click on the "Go" button then guide the invisible mouse to the "Stop" button. Really hard, level 6 is nearly impossible.
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Comments(3) - Submitted by jp / Translated by jp
Unicycle Challenge
Attempt to balance yourself using your mouse and jump with the spacebar. Neat little flash game to test your unicycle skills... A game developped by gfxmonk, memeber of
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Comments(0) - Submitted by jp / Translated by jp
Space maze
Guide the little red astronaut with the mouse thru the maze without touching the borders. Mind the electric shock.
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Comments(1) - Submitted by jp / Translated by jp
DR3I Andkon Arcade
A very smart game where you must keep the mouse cursor in the game area and collect the "-" and "x". Very difficult one...
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Comments(1) - Submitted by jp / Translated by jp
Catch Thirty three
1,2,3, ... 33. Start with "1" and pass the mouse cursor over all the numbers until "33".
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Comments(0) - Submitted by jp / Translated by jp
The object of the game is to click as close as and as quick as possible to where the target was. Smart game.
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Comments(0) - Submitted by jp / Translated by jp
Chain Reaction
Click near a blue ball to start a chain reaction. Try to destroy as many blue balls as you can.
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Comments(0) - Submitted by Papai Noel / Translated by Papai Noel
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