怀旧游戏 - 106 游戏 |
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RaidenX RaidenX is a 2D vertical-shooter Flash game developped by Go0gley from Hong-Kong. Inspired from the classic arcade games Raiden and Raiden II, this game brings to you 30 minutes of pure pleasure. Arrow keys, X and Z to play. [翻译 ] [提出订正 ] 评论(0) - 提交 jp / 翻译 jp |
Retronoid FS Great version of the classic arkanoid game. Play the custom levels, or create your own levels with the level editor. Very nice effects and psychedelic sounds, a powerful computer is necessary. Use the mouse to play. [翻译 ] [提出订正 ] 评论(0) - 提交 jp / 翻译 jp |
Xevious A famous shooter game released by Atari in 1982. Control a fighter with guns and bombs that must infiltrate a highly defended area and destroy everything in sight. [翻译 ] [提出订正 ] 评论(0) - 提交 jp / 翻译 jp |
蜈蚣 这是经典Atari娱乐游戏“蜈蚣”的flash版本,由Emil Korngold提供。它是动作和上瘾游戏的鼻祖。 [提出订正 ] 评论(0) - 提交 jp / 翻译 kimkmmi |
Break it A remake of the brick breaker game. This one brings a new interesting element to the clasic gameplay, the control of the orientation of the pad with the mouse. [翻译 ] [提出订正 ] 评论(0) - 提交 jp / 翻译 jp |
Bubble Bobble 2 This game is a flash clone of Bubble Bobble 2, released in 1993 on NES. Though numbered number 2, Bubble Bobble 2 is fifth in chronological order. Push CTRL to start. [翻译 ] [提出订正 ] 评论(0) - 提交 jp / 翻译 jp |
Galagon 2004 Galagon 2004 is a clone of Atari’s classic Galaga and Galaxian. The gameplay is simple : destroy the waves of Galagon ships that are invading the Earth. Excellent graphics, faithful recreation of arcade original. [翻译 ] [提出订正 ] 评论(1) - 提交 jp / 翻译 jp |
功夫 这个新游戏画面上做成旧式的横版模式,就像从前的“双截龙”。此游戏根据同名电影制作,利用你的技巧和组合功夫/特殊功夫来打倒对手过关。当你熟练之后,可以注册来挑战世界各地的玩家。A键是出拳,S键是踢腿。 [提出订正 ] 评论(0) - 提交 jp / 翻译 translated by Jia Wei :) |
Blockdude A remake of an old TI-83 game called Blockdude developped by Klas Kroon, the original game was written by Brandon Sterner. The objective of the game is to get to the exit door. You can only move one step up at the time. There are 11 levels from the original game + 3 bonus levels. The tile graphics are made by Chris Kotiesen. Press 'R' to restart level when stuck. [翻译 ] [提出订正 ] 评论(0) - 提交 jp / 翻译 jp |
Bomb jack Bomb Jack arcade game released by Tecmo in 1984 was converted to flash by hairybulletgames.com. Collect all Bombs to advance to next level. Use LEFT & RIGHT to move and SPACE to jump. [翻译 ] [提出订正 ] 评论(0) - 提交 jp / 翻译 jp |
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