Aksion - 196 Lojrat |
Code of the samurai "Code of the samuraï" is an action platformer that offers exquisite animations and carefully designed levels. It is based on the popular American animated television series Samurai¨Jack. The Cartoon Network has developed some excellent games on the same theme". [Perkthim ] [Bej nje korrigjim ] Komente(0) - Prezantuar nga jp / Perkthyer nga jennalynn6 |
Final fortress Nothing truly revolutionary in this "Save your base" type game. Nevertheless it's nicely done and offers quite a large range of powerups. A full version with more levels is available but it's not free.
Same kind of games : Bunker and Japanese protect your base. [Perkthim ] [Bej nje korrigjim ] Komente(0) - Prezantuar nga jp / Perkthyer nga jp |
Akai Ryu / Red Dragon Akai Ryu is an original and addictive little shooter created by Jason Reinsvold. The red dragon will always follow the mouse cursor and stay alive as long as possible while shooting down various enemies. Use the keys [1]..[6] to change weapons. Press the space bar to activate spike bombs after shooting them. Every ennmy has its own strategy, strong and weak points as for the red dragon : its red back is resistant to fireballs. [Perkthim ] [Bej nje korrigjim ] Komente(4) - Prezantuar nga jp / Perkthyer nga jp |
Uber Breakout! Ky akcion gjegjeza lojra zhvillohet nga JACOB GRAHN eshte nje mbret i prishjeve te rratheve te kuq .Ruajeni topin ne rrath area qe te merrni pike dhe qendro gjalle.Shume fuqi dhe sjell shume gezim kjo loje. [Bej nje korrigjim ] Komente(1) - Prezantuar nga jp / Perkthyer nga zeshkejka |
Fuzetsu The Japanese people are some of the most creative people of the world. This java game developed by Jos "oNyx" Hirth, for the java 4K contest 2006, is proof of this statement. Don't be fooled by what appears to be a very simple game. Although not difficult to master, it is extremely hard to stay alive for more than a few minutes. You fight a succession of spiraling light pattern "bosses". Each one sends out a different pattern of light "bullets". You "ship" is a blue circle with the white pixel in the middle of it. Your outer blue circle must come in contact with the "bosses" light pattern without any of them touching your white pixel core which is your heart or life. While in contact with the enemy light pattern, "bullets" fly out from your core to hit the core of the "boss". Once enough of your bullets have hit the enemy it explodes and the next "boss" begins it's light pattern. Be careful of the exploding pieces though, if one of them touches your "core" you lose a life and you only have three. It is quite a simple game in that there is no need to shoot or aim as it all happens automatically. Your main focus will be on keeping your outer circle in contact with the enemy light pattern so that you produce more bullets and defeat the enemy more quickly while keeping your white "core" away from contact with any part of the "bosses" light pattern. Don't let the beauty and uniqueness of the light patterns distract you as you work your "ship" around the screen. [Perkthim ] [Bej nje korrigjim ] Komente(6) - Prezantuar nga jp / Perkthyer nga jennalynn6 |
Invader360 Invader360 is an original circular space shooter with minimal and well defined style, developed in Flash by a japanese called F1ash. You control the ship, that moves around the center of the screen, with the mouse and fire by left clicking, only 4 bullets at once. We are now waiting for a sequel with music and powerups. [Perkthim ] [Bej nje korrigjim ] Komente(0) - Prezantuar nga jp / Perkthyer nga jp |
Flea World Ndihmoni shoket tuaj FLEA merrni neprmjet pengesave dhe dergojini ne gropen e zez te FLEA DREAMS.Kjo loje ofron garfik te bukur dhe muzike te mire , na kujton nje kohe shume te mire te platformes se pare (platform loje).Nje perpjekje shum e mire kam sprovuar ne projekt te niveleve dhe te lojes . Secili nivel sjell diqka te re qe te mbash interesat e lojes .Ne te vertet ,eshte shum e kenaqshme dhe loje gazmore.Perdore miun tregues te levizesh pleshtat .Mbaje poshte tastin e majte qe te kercesh larte. [Bej nje korrigjim ] Komente(1) - Prezantuar nga jp / Perkthyer nga zeshkejka |
Jump Jump is a classic platform action game developed by the Neodelight team. The design of the game is based on big pixels reminding us of the first video games. The addictive gameplay show us that a game don't need too complicated graphics! [Spacebar] to shoot, arrow key to move and jump. [Perkthim ] [Bej nje korrigjim ] Komente(1) - Prezantuar nga jp / Perkthyer nga jp |
Gold Leaf A simple and enjoyable flash platform game. After collecting one leaf, another leaf somewhere in the level will turn gold. Collecting gold leaves is not necessary but will lead to a big bonus. Press the spacebar to transform into a balloon, floating up until you press spacebar again. Move with the arrow keys. If you like this game try other games from shiftup.net: Kaleidsocope, Pong Pong Ponta, Float Jewel, Ponta s Quest and Stray Janis. [Perkthim ] [Bej nje korrigjim ] Komente(1) - Prezantuar nga jp / Perkthyer nga jp |
Jamal And The Wasp Bunker Charming (but damned hard) little side-scrolling platformer starring a vegetarian spider that is able to walk, jump, and swing from its own spidey-thread. Use the arrow keys for movement, [shift] to shoot a thread; hold down [ctrl] while pressing [up] or [down] to change the angle of the thread that shoots. Once on the thread, you can press [right] and [left] to get a better swing going; press [up] to climb, [down] to descend. Press [shift] again to jump off the thread. [Perkthim ] [Bej nje korrigjim ] Komente(1) - Prezantuar nga jp / Perkthyer nga jp |