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The newest games - Action

The newest games - Action - 30 Games
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Bouncy Jump

Bouncy Jump
It is blue and has a stupid smile. Make it jump! The higher the more score you ll get.

Use all Arrow Keys.


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A game created by Komix
Translated by Komix

Fishy Falldown

Fishy Falldown
Use the arrow keys to guide the fish to the bottom of the ocean!
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A game created by Syruplord
Translated by Syruplord

Tunnel Rush

Tunnel Rush
A game I made for a contest on

Use your mouse to guide the dragon down the tunnel by avoiding the walls. How long can you survive?


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A game created by Syruplord
Translated by Syruplord


Deep below ground there is an alien menace!
Fight your way through a world of disgusting beasts and alien
scum using your high-tech weapons.
This Arkanoid Clone is played using the mouse or arrow keys.
Use space or left-click to fire.

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A game created by qplaygames
Translated by qplaygames

FastShoot 2

FastShoot 2
New version of Fastshoot. Enemy spaceships are more tougher and gameplay was added with survival bonus and powerups to pick all along the game.
Good luck!

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A game created by mig
Translated by jp


A small, classical and fast shootem up. <br>Controls : Arrow keys to move and spacebar to shoot.
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A game created by mig

Gums world

Gums world
Eat more red balls than the darkgums, the more you eat, the bigest you get. The game stops when you or the darkgums reach 100 points.
Controls : right and left arrow keys to move, down arrow key to reduce the size of the darkgums.

Rgistered users : Your score is recorded on Pepere only if you beat the darkgums.

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A game created by mig
Translated by jp


This simple game is somewhere between asteroids and pang.

Just, click to shoot.

Shooting causes recoil so is also used to move your ship.

Pop all of the balloons as fast as you can, you have 1 minute to succeed.

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A game created by xix
Translated by xix


Eat as many Seacrumbs as possible, or you will starve.
1 Crumb = 20 Points

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A game created by Komix
Translated by Komix

Save the earth

Save the earth
Save the earth from falling asteroïds (in fact, you won't save the earth, but you will die like a hero).
Grab the bonus and power-ups to improve your missiles and space ship into an automatic target swapping system, the ultimate weapon against rocks.

LEFT, RIGHT and UP to move, DOWN for manual targeting, SPACE to shoot.

  [Submit a correctionEnglish]

A game created by jp
Translated by jp

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