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Самая популярная игра месяца

Самая популярная игра месяца - 91 Игры
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Jump Gear - Random

Jump Gear - Random
Механизм Скачка - Случайный. ОбычныйJump Механизм - игра, вдохновленная классическим BMX ряд, и это также заимствует некоторые аспекты известных Nanaca игра крушения(краха). Это было развито со Вспышкой 8, и Вы нуждаетесь во...
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Игра, написанная пользователем 'jp'
Перевод сделан Lbvf2597

Save the earth

Save the earth
Save the earth from falling asteroïds (in fact, you won't save the earth, but you will die like a hero).
Grab the bonus and power-ups to improve your missiles and space ship into an automatic target swapping system, the ultimate weapon against rocks.

LEFT, RIGHT and UP to move, DOWN for manual targeting, SPACE to shoot.

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Игра, написанная пользователем 'jp'
Перевод сделан jp

Rolling Turtle

Rolling Turtle
Guide the little turtle to the goal.

[SPACEBAR] to jump.
[LEFT] [RIGHT] to move.

More levels and create your own levels on BonusLevel.org Rolling Turtle.

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Игра, написанная пользователем 'jp'
Перевод сделан jp

Ringmania 2

Ringmania 2
The sequel of Ringmania. In Ringmania 2, you control the rings with the mouse and you must face the floating rings appearing from the top of the screen. The strategy of the game is based on these few statements : - When a set of 3 rings of the same colour are connected, they explode. All remaining rings that are not connected anymore to a "Black bubble" also explode. - When a floating ring gets...
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Игра, написанная пользователем 'jp'
Перевод сделан Mônica traduções ing/port-port/ing

One On One

One On One
In "One On One" you play as a footballer and must defeat 4 goalkeepers who use different tactics. The game is a kind of sequel to Soccer challenge. It has been developed to celebrate the FIFA World cup 2006 in Germany. When the ball is in the penalty area, the goalkeeper can catch it and score 1 point. When you score a goal you earn 1 point. The first to 7 points win the fight. Launch first the...
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Игра, написанная пользователем 'jp'
Перевод сделан jp

Babboon & friends

Babboon & friends
The story: This is a sequel to the World of Archoon, where only archers and balloons live. The struggle continues. Babboon and his friends have risen in rebellion and build a comunity of irritating balloons that escape your arrows. You must shoot them down as fast as possible to win the game and enter the highscores. Good luck brave archer... The controls: Click on the mouse button to strike...
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Игра, написанная пользователем 'jp'
Перевод сделан jez

Love Overdose

Love Overdose
Love bears are taking on the world. Save humanity from a love overdose!
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Игра, написанная пользователем 'clockworkmonster'
Перевод сделан clockworkmonster


A variant on sokoban. Bring colored blocks on corresponding targets.
Score for each level : 500 - [number of moves].

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Игра, написанная пользователем 'jp'
Перевод сделан jp

Soccer challenge

Soccer challenge
Soccer Challenge is a set of 8 mini games based on the theme of soccer (football) that has been developed to celebrate FIFA World Cup 2006. You control a small blue footballer with the mouse and must accomplish 8 challenges against time. Your global score is the sum of the 8 scores. The skills required to enter the highscores or even to become the world champion, are ability, strategy, and...
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Игра, написанная пользователем 'jp'
Перевод сделан jp

Pumpkin Supply

Pumpkin Supply
Collect the good pumpkins that the witches are dropping from the sky.

Use only mouse to control. Move by moving mouse, and drop pumpkins in wheel barrel by left clicking.

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Игра, написанная пользователем 'spaceplant'
Перевод сделан spaceplant

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