4 游戏 |

| Rings and Sticks This game sure can speak for itself. [翻译 ] [提出订正 ]翻译 Komix |

| Bouncy Jump It is blue and has a stupid smile. Make it jump! The higher the more score you ll get.
Use all Arrow Keys.
Komix [翻译 ] [提出订正 ]翻译 Komix |

| Fatsnake Eat as many Seacrumbs as possible, or you will starve.
1 Crumb = 20 Points [翻译 ] [提出订正 ]翻译 Komix |

| Cheese planet game Use the mouse (click, hold and release) to launch the satellite on the perfect geostationary orbit (a perfect circle around the cheese planet). [翻译 ] [提出订正 ]翻译 jp |