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La profilo de programisto davidw


TTT-pagxaro (http://...)

La profilo de programisto - Liberprofesiulo

Via filozofio, kiel Vi laboras, Viaj sonĝoj, aŭ iu ajn?
I hope I can get some cash from learning how to do this web design thing.Esperanto

Laboro por proponojJes
Kapablo, pretecoHTML/PHP/mySQL     Flash/Actionscript    

Posxto mesagxo.

Jump Knight

Jump Knight
An awsome game I made.

Get to the Flashing stone on the right as fast as you can.

Left arrow key or key 1 to jump one space, down arrow or key 2 to jump two spaces, right key or key 3 to jump three spaces.

[TradukuEsperanto]   [Submit a correctionAngla]

Tradukita per davidw