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Pepere - Flash games - Java games

Directory - Online games - Flash games - Java games
A selection of the most innovative and interesting games that can be played with your internet browser on other websites.
Line Rider - Fun Jellify - Strategy Tycoon Online - Multiplayer games - Multiplayer games Earn to die - Motor sports Lost Outpost - Adventure FreeCiv ( Civilization clone in HTML5 ) - Old games Guilded Youth - Adventure Dammit Snake - Stress International Kungfu Warior - Fun Reprisal (Populous remake) - Old games Craequ - Strategy The Love Letter - Adventure Snailiad - Strategy Greens Survive when Reds Die - Strategy - Games
The exclusive games created by the team
Moonlights Jump Gear 2 Rolling Turtle BLockoban Crazy Mammoths Capsules Jump Gear - Random One On One Soccer challenge Ringmania 2 Babboon & friends World of Archoon Ringmania Save the earth Rebounds Bilboquet game Captain Pépère - Flash game Pépère on the rocks - Flash game Pépère and his car - Flash game Pépère and his trailer - Flash game Dangerous Pépère - Flash game Air Magic Pépère - Flash game The elephant game - Flash game
Programmers and gamers
The games developed by the members of More and more talented games developers trust our platform to show their games to a large audience. Since 2005, the team is also using this platform to present its games.
Moonlights Tweet Force 21 Balloons Dung 12 Seconds Love Overdose Sproing Reloaded ZIAG! - The Simplest Game On Earth Kersplat Jump Gear 2 Pumpkin Supply Slippery Side Swipe Mega Fortress Spider in the rain Pawel and the Teutonic Castle

Line Rider - Fun Jellify - Strategy Tycoon Online - Multiplayer games - Multiplayer games Moonlights Jump Gear 2 Rolling Turtle BLockoban Pépère and his car - Flash game The elephant game - Flash game World of Archoon Cold Fusion Love Overdose Crazy Mammoths Jump Gear - Random Rebounds Pumpkin Supply Veggie Fling EsTension Ringmania Coma - Adventure The ball game - Stress Jedi Trainer - Sports Blosics - Strategy Orb - Strategy Network defender - Stress Rolling Turtle - Motor sports Grow - Adventure Add Up - Stress Candystand ping pong - Sports Bird flight - Fun Bubble splash - Old games Driver's Ed (driving licence) - Motor sports Run 'n roll - Multiplayer games Zorro tank - Motor sports Kill the Pacman - Action The Shell Game - Fun Classic Clickomania - Old games Crazy snake - Old games Retronoid FS - Old games Zed - Action Feed the head - Fun Elvandia - Strategy Mozaïk - Strategy White chamber - Adventure Turbo Turtle - Strategy Doodle God - Fun Starway 2 Heaven (Letter change game) - Stress Dangle - Strategy Bugs - Fun Moonlights - Strategy BubbleZ - Multiplayer games Invisible mouse - Stress MacDonald's game - Strategy Flatland - Action Foolyoo - Fun Pusho - Strategy 3D Logic II - Strategy Pearl hunt - Strategy Light bot - Fun Ball revamped 3 : Andromeda - Strategy Yard Invaders - Action Protector - Adventure The Machine - Strategy Polar Dash - Sports Dezao - デザヲ - Stress Alpha bounce - Old games Bubbles - Stress Cat car - Stress Troyis - Strategy Shootin' starz - Stress Industry 2 - Adventure Towel War - Fun Artic - Action Bottle capper - Fun Best old games - Old games Air support - Stress Paper Venture - Action Minigolf - Multiplayer games Sexy football - Sports Ball a'track - Action Jump Gear 2 - Motor sports Foosball - Sports Impulse - Strategy Achievement Unlocked - Fun Hummer Rally Championship - Motor sports Block down - Strategy Angry Birds Rio - Strategy Super Serif Bross - Action Captain Dan vs Zombie Plan - Strategy Alloy:  Arena - Action Snowman salvage - Stress Idea Volleyball - Sports Juggler - Stress Trials construction yard - Motor sports Disorientation - Fun Micky's adventures - Adventure Bacteria Tower Defense - Strategy Add em up - Strategy Tubin' on Lake Tyler - Fun Miners4K Bilboquet game Capsules Save the earth Ringmania 2 One On One Babboon & friends Soccer challenge ABC Diams Centrifuge 12 Seconds Flash Snake Sproing Reloaded 21 Balloons Jump Knight ZIAG! - The Simplest Game On Earth CyBalls Kersplat Tweet Force Bat Vs Ball 1.0 Dung Camera Mind Football Life of Squid Vomiting snake Virus Fishy Falldown Cheese planet game Unicycle Challenge Critical Mass Skydiver Touch The Bubbles Tunnel Rush Colorz Suna Sudoku Nano Bot Mega Fortress Pawel and the Teutonic Castle Slippery Side Swipe

On Pepere we are developing online games that can be played on your internet browser. We use Flash, Java and are opened to all upcoming technologies.
Since 2004, the «Pepere spirit» has gathered a strong community of 44862 players and game developers. Pepere is translated in many languages thanks to the contribution of all visitors and members. We thank all of you for your support to the «Pepere project»!

Latest news News - Latest news
Submitted by jp
Translated by jp
18 July 2023 Flash is alive, Pepere is alive!
     Er.. well, as you know, Flash is dead since the 1 jan 2021. And our dear pepere is a site games made with Flash. BUT. For those. Who still wants. To play the games. You can install the Flashbrowser. What is this? It's an open source browser (based on Chromium which is also open source), that uses the latest flash plugin released by Adobe in 2020. As far as I can know, it's safe, at least on Pepere games.
Happy holidays to all of you and see you very very soon for next update (in 10 years).
  [Submit a correctionEnglish]

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