Najviše igrana igra mjeseca - Zabava - 10 Igre |

| Odbijanje Odbijanje je mini igrica koja se odigrava na biljar stolu. Cilj igre je prikupiti što više sudara kugli u jednom potezu. Kad kugla udari drugu kuglu, ona dobija malo veću energiju. Ne igraj previše ovu igru, to je bacanje vremena.
Klikni mišom za udarac.
Klikni na najbolje rezultate da vidiš replay-eve. [Podnestite ispravak ]Igru kreiranu kao jp Preveo zdravka |

| World of Archoon The story: Archoon is a strange and boring world where only archers and balloons live. Archers are shooting all day long at the balloons, while the latter try to reach the sky. A warning, this game may contain scenes showing mass balloon deaths.
The controls: Hold the mouse to draw the string back, release the mouse button to shoot. Don't let a balloon reach the sky. Click on highscores to view... [Prevedite ] [Podnestite ispravak ]Igru kreiranu kao jp Preveo bastien |

| Love Overdose Love bears are taking on the world. Save humanity from a love overdose! [Prevedite ] [Podnestite ispravak ]Igru kreiranu kao clockworkmonster Preveo clockworkmonster |

| Pumpkin Supply Collect the good pumpkins that the witches are dropping from the sky.
Use only mouse to control. Move by moving mouse, and drop pumpkins in wheel barrel by left clicking. [Prevedite ] [Podnestite ispravak ]Igru kreiranu kao spaceplant Preveo spaceplant |

| Gađanje svetaca Cilj ove igre je postići najviši rezultat uništavajući neprijatelje: svetce s crvenim križevima. Izbjegavaj pogoditi svoje prijatelje. Zaradit ćeš bonus bodove i život kada oni slete: svetci sa zelenim krugovima. Rotiraj cvijet s lijevom i desnom strijelicom. Stisni razmak za pucanje. Stisni "p" kako bi pauzirao igru.
Sretno! [Podnestite ispravak ]Igru kreiranu kao superjoep Preveo Anonimna007 |

| Worm racing Use your scroll wheel on mouse to make this worm run.
Require scroll wheel mouse and Flash Player 7. [Prevedite ] [Podnestite ispravak ]Igru kreiranu kao lis Preveo lis |

| Puzzle The goal of this game is to assemble all of the pieces with the
numbers as it is displayed at the begining of the game. To move the
pieces you need to click on one, so it moves into the empty space. The
faster you put together all the pieces, the more points you will
score. Enjoy the game! [Prevedite ] [Podnestite ispravak ]Igru kreiranu kao grzesiek86-13 Preveo jp |

| Balls Arrowkeys to move
Avoid red
Pick green [Prevedite ] [Podnestite ispravak ]Igru kreiranu kao jojoh Preveo jojoh |

| This game SUCKS A game where you HOOVER up GOOD FRUIT, but AVOIDING IT if it goes RED and SPIKY!! The more you SUCK, the HARDER you SUCK ! [Prevedite ] [Podnestite ispravak ]Igru kreiranu kao kingbaggot Preveo kingbaggot |

| Dots Players take turns connecting two dots with a line. If a player complets a box it is shaded to his color. The player with the most shaded boxes win. [Prevedite ] [Podnestite ispravak ]Igru kreiranu kao psyon Preveo psyon |