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12 Seconds

Et spill laget av spaceplant
Internettside (http://...)

Shoot the ball as far as possible in just 12 seconds. You control the golf club with the mouse. You need to do it precise and fast. Find the right technique to get awesome shots.

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Et spill laget av spaceplant
Oversatt av spaceplant

MoonlightsBueskytterverdenJump Gear 2Cold FusionKjærlighetsoverdose
Ville MammuterJump Gear - RandomReboundsPumpkin SupplyRolling Turtle
Pepere på steinene - Flash SpillElefantspillet - Flash SpillSuper Karoshi - StrategiMomentum Missile Mayhem - ActionSlå opp - Humor spill
Gold yard - EventyrShroomz - StrategiJapanske "pass din base" - StressJungle attitude - Xtrem SnowBoarding - SportF/A-18 Hornet - Motor sport
Gullhoggere4KBilboquet gameRingmaniaCapsulesSave the earth
Ringmania 21 vs 1(One on One)Babboon & vennerBlockobanSoccer challenge
7 Stemmer
Sett 238191 gang
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  Profil     Beskjed Raftaman ( 8 juni 2009 12:37) : -2987, hehehehehe
  Profil     Beskjed mario713 ( 23 april 2011 15:06) : lipa ze tylko 12 sec jest :< wolalbym juz jakis freestyle mode gdzie sobie tylko pilke odbijam
too bad that is only 12 seconds :< i want freestyle mode were i can just poke the ball
  Profil     Beskjed freddysaar ( 9 april 2013 05:46) : 1425
  Profil     Beskjed lucianinho ( 26 april 2013 03:22) : Chupa Polonia

  Profil     Beskjed lucianinho ( 8 november 2013 05:50) : eu coloquei o Brasil lá em cima

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