Mensagens a partir de 1 total 292 |
| 11 novembro 2004 05:22 | New game |
| 12 novembro 2004 03:24 | The land competition section doesn't work quite well I think... |
| 12 novembro 2004 03:39 | It must have 3 ranked players of same country to enter the land competition  |
| 12 novembro 2004 09:54 | There is a pb with too big oscilation of the baloon I need to make a correction, maybe the best scores (over 250 m or 200 m3) a will be deleted tonight  |
| 12 novembro 2004 10:59 | Sympa l'éléphant ! |
| 12 novembro 2004 11:24 | Merci. Désolé wiince, j'ai du effacé ton score, je dois apporter une correction sur les oscillations non contrôlées du ballons  |
Wiince | 12 novembro 2004 11:35 | Oui , j'ai compris , c'est pas grave  |
Anonyme | 12 novembro 2004 13:40 | jarrive pas a le faire tourner :'( |
| 12 novembro 2004 13:45 | Correction done, Correction effectuée. Some replays have been deleted, but most of them are still valid. Certains scores ont du être effacés mais la plupart sont toujours valides, il n'est pas garanti que le problème soit totalement corrigé  |
Sarki | 12 novembro 2004 16:07 | Rien compris au fonctionnement... |
Csr | 12 novembro 2004 16:56 | Trop dur, dommage :/ |
| 12 novembro 2004 17:02 | Pour mieux comprendre, regardez les replays.
Le truc c'est de faire tourner le ventilateur autour du ballon pour faire prendre de la vitesse à l'élephant. Bon courage !  |
| 13 novembro 2004 20:04 | Another change in the game (sea collision detection) has forced us to delete or change some scores, sorry  |
bob74252 | 14 novembro 2004 06:03 | pkoi certains scores sont "not recorded"??? |
| 14 novembro 2004 06:29 | C'est quand tu as fait un score inférieur à un autre de tes scores déjà enregistré |
| 14 novembro 2004 09:16 | Oh, quelle chance j'ai alors  |
rocker | 14 novembro 2004 19:03 | :} this is really cool. pozdrawiam Polakow. |
| 16 novembro 2004 10:57 | Salut ca serait possible de faire un record négatif ?
| 16 novembro 2004 11:02 | Euh la non, ça serait trop lourd  |
| 17 novembro 2004 07:36 | there is still a problem of balloon oscillation, we must modify the game soon, all records will certainly be deleted...  |
| 17 novembro 2004 10:07 | hummm !! ce matin j'ai fait 342 au splash, donc j'étais premier. POURQUOI JE NE LE SUIS PLUS ??? |
| 17 novembro 2004 10:09 | je suis d'ailleurs marqué meilleur du jour et du mois |
| 17 novembro 2004 10:13 | si c'est en rapport avec les oscillation hasardeuse du ballon ( d'exploted bug ) je comprendrais :'( |
| 17 novembro 2004 10:23 | (dsl) pourtant d'autres 'dégonfle' aussi le ballon avant de projeter Leonardo ! |
| 17 novembro 2004 10:56 | Oui, désolé, je dois changer le moteur physique du ballon en espérant qu'il n'y aura plus de problèmes d'oscillation. Tous les records seront réinitialisés à cette ocasion  |
| 17 novembro 2004 13:58 | new balloon engine, all scores erased  |
| 18 novembro 2004 09:32 | Vamos ver por qunato tempo eu vou ficar na 5ª posição... |
| 18 novembro 2004 12:43 | Pourriez vous m'expliquer pourkoi ca a fait reset ds les score pour une foi ke gt premier qq part! c pas cool! |
| 18 novembro 2004 13:30 | C'est écrit dans les messages précédent, j'ai du changer la simulation du ballon car il oscillait trop quelques fois... Du coup tous les scores précédents n'était plus valable. |
| 21 novembro 2004 15:22 | les oscillation parraissent pire qu'avant quand il y en a, ms elle ne sont jms bébéfiquent! |
| 22 novembro 2004 06:15 | este ai é facil demais..e aqui eu manjo |
| 23 novembro 2004 11:00 | snap er geen reet van wat jullie allemaal opschrijven, is volgens mij gewoon makkelijker om het in het engels te doen   |
lady_hell555 | 24 novembro 2004 00:38 | ai meu deus.. algum brasileito?? |
| 29 novembro 2004 14:20 | Great game |
g-bug | 2 dezembro 2004 04:44 | I can´t understand a word of what you are saying! |
g-bug | 2 dezembro 2004 04:44 | But your games are great. |
| 2 dezembro 2004 13:25 | bonjour. je mapelle daniel and i speak english. |
| 2 dezembro 2004 13:25 | this is a class game |
| 3 dezembro 2004 02:26 | why did you deleted the other scores which are done from turkish players for example explorer, türkiye etc.. |
| 3 dezembro 2004 03:12 | Sorry ayhan, only one account for one person. I had to delete your other accounts, the scores are automatically deleted too . Only use your ayhan account from now . |
| 3 dezembro 2004 03:19 | Ok. thank you I wanna ask another question . How to calculate stats for countries. Turkey have 23 players. Argentine have just 3 players. Why you dont take only top ten to calculate the average for countries? |
| 3 dezembro 2004 03:33 | Why not, i will think about it  |
| 3 dezembro 2004 03:45 | thank you |
EDUARDO | 3 dezembro 2004 19:03 | .... UN ELEFANTE SE BALANCEABA ...
PARA TODOS OK. EDUARDO.............. |
| 4 dezembro 2004 09:16 | this gane is class |
| 6 dezembro 2004 04:33 | I can't save my records. What shd i tape in www string? |
| 7 dezembro 2004 01:54 | How can i save my rezults at this site? plz tell 217917508 |
| 7 dezembro 2004 03:38 | Your records are saved, click on your profile ( ) to see them. You can also help us translating the website in russian here The translation is nearly finsehd but we also need somebody to check the russian file to be put online, let me know your email in private message (click on my profile to send a private message) if you accept to check it. |
| 7 dezembro 2004 10:57 | I have improved my score more than 30 metres and direwolf has improved his score more than 40 metres but nothing change at scores which shown country stats |
| 7 dezembro 2004 14:55 | First of all congratulations, i'm glad that members are getting closer to the pole position . The country stats are updated every day, you will see the changes tomorrow . |
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