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Loja - Capsules, faqe 6

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25 Shkurt 2007 16:47"Clone Repeat" is demonstrated (and debugged) in "Bonus Level 5".
But JP, in 'Editor Play mode' the clones only reappear when ALL blue capsules are taken. I copied them with "Paste Link", I think that should be more fun!? (doesn't really matter)

Please delete my level score JP, score is from testing fase...
26 Shkurt 2007 01:57nice bonus level
26 Shkurt 2007 14:13
26 Shkurt 2007 16:38a new way for "big and small"
27 Shkurt 2007 10:16 Hi, major update with the green capsules. will do some levels to show you or maybe you'll find ouy alone
27 Shkurt 2007 18:20Real great work man!!! Fantastic!!
Some nice new levels too!! Thx everyone!

JP, maybe make also green/red changing Capsules too (like there are blue/red).
27 Shkurt 2007 20:56i realy like the new levels
1 Mars 2007 09:46jó játék
2 Mars 2007 11:39X-man, you and your scores are insane!!!
2 Mars 2007 11:57hahahahahaha, why??? what score's, witch level, maybe i will gif a hint...
2 Mars 2007 12:00there are about 2 level i can't play, "wibbly wobbly" and "mind the guards" are my worst scores.....
flappy j
2 Mars 2007 20:49Hey i'm back =D lots of cool new levels and a green thing. i haven't played on all the new official levels, but the ones i have are cool. pod race is a really good idea.
2 Mars 2007 21:30There are so much levels:
But there are levels just nice done on speed, like:
Race (2laps), Double Trouble, ===, Catch It, Double Squared Ensnared,

Or have some luck, and keep trying:
Coco Cross (although, you have to know the fastest route)

But some levels I don't get:
Scary, Tic Tac Toe, Molecular, Mine Field, Bobby The Snake, Double Star, Oversized Load (is very fast), Assasins (also fast), Cenifuge, Figo Fago

Where do you get the time to play that often???
flappy j
2 Mars 2007 23:44if you are using a green block, don't have thin ones. they are possible to get through! see http://www.pepere.org/flash-development_1_3x/flash-game-capsules_u_104.html?getlvl=143. jp you can delete this i'm just tellin ppl =D
3 Mars 2007 02:45"Scary", you just have to be fast and lucky, "tic tac toe" you know what is gonna happen, make sure you are there fast, "mine field" i don't know..., "double star" there is a faster route after the second blue ball, be creative.

i don't sleep much (about 4 hours a day) and when i am awake i get borred, nothing on tv so i play. (not next week, i will be in Euro Disney next week


is this answering your question?
3 Mars 2007 11:49"Double Star" I thought I was fast, but you're still 10 faster.
"Minde Field" is frustrating, trying to get the fastest route.
"Tic Tac Toe", I think I know what to do, but I couldn't for now!
"Oversized Load", what about that one?

"Pod Race" I don't get either. Is it possible to pass the upper pods on the left side??

About your abscens: Com'on everybody, post new levels next week!
4 Mars 2007 09:54as you can see in the top 3 of "dubble star" that i am not the only one, nice work by the way oris and kristoffff.
"oversized load" there you have to be real fast and lucky, you know the route, play it a lot and it goos automatic for you.
"Pod race" no, that is not posible but you can squise through left in the midle instead of waiting for the space on the right, now there is a nice hint for you....

i will be only away for 5 days, i will make it up after that.....
5 Mars 2007 16:28It seems like there's a bug in "Hex": I got out ( I don't know how...) of the "green bubbles prison" at the very beginning of the level and then, of course, it's much easier to win...
6 Mars 2007 05:06This is strange, I don't manage to escape from the green Capsules... Do you remembre where you clicked on the "Go" button? Did you se the yellow capsules going out or was it already out of the green after the GO ?
6 Mars 2007 11:15Well, It happened immediately after clicking the Go button but I don't remember where I clicked it. And I didn't see the yellow capsule going out of it...
And I'm sorry for using the word "bubbles" reffering to the green CAPSULES, shame on me...
muh 2
6 Mars 2007 16:03i made a picture of the bug because i had the same one like sik, but i don't know how i had done this
there you can see the picture
flappy j
6 Mars 2007 18:25jp could you delete these levels of mine- not impossible, big wheel, unfinished, unfinished and tryingstuff. thanks. also, ages ago i asked if you can make a capsule move when you get a certain blue block. is this possible now, because on 'back and forth' it seems it has been used.
6 Mars 2007 19:58Thx muh, you mean there was only 3 green capsules fro the begining ?
flappy, I've removed the leels except one UNFINISHED which seem a quite good start I think. Yes you can use "Animation group". Whenn all blue caps of the animation group are grabbed, the group start moving.
muh 2
6 Mars 2007 22:36At the beginning there were 6 capsules but suddenly 3 of them disappear and so it was very esay to get to blue capsules
7 Mars 2007 14:54I think it's not a bug, I did it too in mean while.
Just try a lot, and you will make it!
7 Mars 2007 16:15acaip çekişmeli gidiyor
7 Mars 2007 16:48Grrr... how do you do Jokari
7 Mars 2007 19:19Move back and forth quickly and roughly while facing the blue capsule and if you do this you will eventually get the blue capsule.

(In the level "3 in 1", I cant seem to find a way to get the blue capsule that is farthest to the right. Thanks!)
8 Mars 2007 15:31JP posted earlier a Jokari demo.

About "3 in 1", I think you're just not fast enough.
First you do the crisscross in the "evelevator", take the upper blue Capsule and crisscross back down. Get in the "cage" on the left and make the tour with it. Get out fast, move around the red Capsules and enter the crisscross again at the upper side. Move fast down and below on the right the "gate" will open for a moment. The rest is not that hard...
8 Mars 2007 22:44My score is not 31633. I have 31153.
9 Mars 2007 09:27It's certainly a bug , it should be corrected now. Your score has been changed.
By the way, I've added a new level by Asforian, absolutely brilliant (Invisible walls).
9 Mars 2007 16:19I'm amazed by your creativity, thank you guys. Fabulous new official levels again by Asforian and also one fun level by Topaz
9 Mars 2007 19:06I thought Roundabout was impossible... Green capsules are very interesting. Good job, Asforian.
muh 2
9 Mars 2007 22:51i only get 6 of 22 Capsules in Roundabout
9 Mars 2007 23:04Roundabout... and I only get 5 capsules.
muh 2
9 Mars 2007 23:20Papaj_x look in at the beginning at the left upper corner there is one blue Capsule i think you don't have them and we have the same problem
10 Mars 2007 01:54Yeah, Roundabout took me a while to squirm out... Well, here is how you do it: First go down avoiding the red Capsules while getting the blue Capsules, which one of the blue Capsules destroys a wall. Go through the passage where the wall used to be in front of. You should see multiple Capsules changing colors from red to green and back to red. Go above the Capsules when they are green. After you make it through there go down below the color-changing Capsules and there should be a blue Capsule which destroys a wall by the top wall. Use the moving wall here to squeeze through the wall. Squeeze through the next 3 walls. Now this part gets alot of people stumped... Charge at the walls when they are moving down and if you do this right you should squeeze through. Do the same for the next few walls. When you reach alot of red capsules with blue Capsules behind them, move close to the red Capsules and the blue Capsules will come to you. When you get a few of the blue Capsules, some red Capsules will dissapear allowing you to pass through. The next part has 2 red and 2 blue Capsules circling it. Get the blue Capsules (Including the one stuck onto the wall) and a wall will go away. Get the blue Capsule stuck in the left wall and it opens a wall to the right. Go to the right and get the blue Capsules that are spinning in here and the level is over!
10 Mars 2007 05:32It's not that hard I think!
10 Mars 2007 09:38I've hesitated to add Roundabout in official levels because it requires a powerful computer. The begining as hard for me but it's not an impossible level.
Wow 80 official levels now. And almost 140 acceptd levels. Congrats guys.
muh 2
10 Mars 2007 10:24thanks Topaz now i think "Roundabout" is realy simple
10 Mars 2007 11:59 Yeah! My level is on Level 60: Bonus Level 6 (Long Swisher)
10 Mars 2007 16:03How's the database strain going jp? You said this game made a lot of queries, can you notice any difference?
10 Mars 2007 19:02grr... I can't do Camera Mind!
10 Mars 2007 20:22Yes thank you endy200909, it was simple and easy as all bonus levels and fresh.
Oris, the game has "only" generated 250000 hits until now, anyway, the database seems OK with the level sharing system. So I'll make more games like this in the future.
Polio1, yep, Camera mind is a great puzzle.
10 Mars 2007 22:45jp, just to let you know, i'm making better versions of my bonus levels 7 and 8.
muh 2
11 Mars 2007 00:14jp why I allways get a "Low Framerate" in my own game "call me..."
I can play all other games and there I don't have a "Low Framerate"
11 Mars 2007 03:51still a bug whith the scores??? BEM should be 34992....
11 Mars 2007 04:16I think so, too. My total score is 34992, but high score is showing 35379... Perhaps, 387 is a former score of Bonus level 6 which I was playing at the end.
11 Mars 2007 09:29- Topaz, I saw your nice new levels. I will change a bit your bonus level 7 (will not be a bonus level anymore because too frustrating for a bonus level ). Always good ideas but I spend a lot of time to make your levels cleaner. For example can you try to make the capsules extremities match ?

- muh 2, it's not possible to make such huge levels . By the way, when adding too many yellow capsules is very time consuming for hit tests.

- Yep there is still a bug with the scores. I'm sure it's a new one now. It's hard t=for me to correct it as I dn't kow how it happens. If ever you notice something the next time it happens, let me know.
11 Mars 2007 11:09my score is 35913 and not 36871... a little bug....
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