留言来自 1 总成绩 4 |
LPeti | 2005年 八月 24日 11:36 | Hi! Of course i help you with checking. You can send it to me. |
jp | 2005年 八月 24日 11:47 | I will send the hungarian file to you maybe this evening. There are a few untranslated items (about 15 translations still in english) and certainly some incorrect translations but I can't say how many of them. Maybe you can correct the file and send it back to me. |
jp | 2005年 八月 26日 14:36 | Hello, I've received your file, Hungarian will be online very very soon. I can't do it right now because it's not possible from my work office. |
jp | 2005年 八月 26日 18:57 | Hungarian is online, thanks
Could you check http://www.pepere.org/flash-jatekok_9/? The text seems to be shorter than the one on the english home page http://www.pepere.org/flash-games_1/ |
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