Üzenetek innen: 51 összesen 61 |
bayan_gizemli | 19 március 2006 18:32 | ühü 60 tan baska rekorum yok |
bayan_gizemli | 21 március 2006 18:01 | yardım edin |
d0nn0r | 6 április 2006 22:02 | X.. you are incredible.. nice score :P |
X-man | 7 április 2006 04:19 | tnx, the game lasted about 40 minutes i had to end it becouse oyherwise i mist my train.... |
d0nn0r | 7 április 2006 10:23 | thats what i say, this game is nice, but u need too much time :P |
karelin | 13 április 2006 14:01 | X-man, I enjoy your sense of humour... |
Polio1 | 20 június 2006 14:09 | What r ur tactics? Mine's shrinking after taking every one, if it is too dangerous to take it. Is this a good tactic, or are there better ones? |
d0nn0r | 20 június 2006 17:34 | mine tactic is tooooo play realy fast until i have 1000 and then realy careful |
X-man | 6 július 2006 05:54 | my tactics are to not shrink but to have it in the midle as much as posible, your reaction is faster there and it moves faster there. i never play careful and always take risks, it is a realy easy game. |
talha_2752 | 15 július 2006 05:05 | oley 680 yaptım |
stevernofski | 28 szeptember 2006 17:07 | he!!! what's the tactic in this game myne hihgscore is just 50 |
Oldalak : vissza  1  2  