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A honlap fordítása (Magyar - Angol)


If you think it's too hard work, you can translate only parts (even only one word!) of those words/sentences, any help will be appreciated!

Please keep the same format (don't translate "define", "MXXX" and "<XX>") and only send the words/sentences you translated, thank you for your help!
All languages are welcome even those which are not in this list of flags!

define("M0","Check all scores...");
define("M4","Latest messages");
define("M5","No new messages.");
define("M7","Only one new message.");
define("M8","There are %d new messages");
define("M27","Raiders of the lost Pépère");
define("M28","Logged in as");
define("M29","Welcome to the adventures of Pepere, a kind little boy who is not very skilled with his hands...needs your help. It is up to you!");
define("M30","Members stats");
define("M31","Login before playing and your scores will be taken into account in your personal stats and group stats.");
define("M32","Best of «Pépère fight»");
define("M33","«Pépère fights» are ready! Compare your scores with those of a challenger, viewing his profile...");
define("M34","Best of the month");
define("M35","Best of the day");
define("M36","Progress with next game");
define("M37","Pépère on the rocks");
define("M38","Pépère and his trailer");
define("M39","Pépère and his car");
define("M40","Hand brake Pépère");
define("M41","Flash game");
define("M42","Sliding level");
define("M43","Artistic level");
define("M45","Beginners level");
define("M46","Vacation level");
define("M50","Mail box");
define("M51","Next adventures of Pépère");
define("M52","A little contest?");
define("M53","Girls-Boys stats");
define("M54","Country stats");
define("M56","Give your opinion, post a comment, point out a great replay, improvement ideas...");
define("M57","Be careful: this is not a chat, do not post your scores at each attempt for example.");
define("M59","Do you want Pépère to offer you gifts?");
define("M60","We were thinking about organizing a competition with the new game. The best players would be able to win prizes, but each player would have to contribute to the prizes. Please give us your opinion about this.");
define("M61","No competition, bad idea");
define("M62","I would like to pay 1 euro to enter the competition");
define("M63","The competition is a good idea, but I do not want to contribute");
define("M64","I would like to pay, but if the price is higher than");
define("M67","Give your opinion, post a new idea");
define("M69","It is up to you, do not hesitate to add new ideas, they will be added to the poll");
define("M70","Would you like another game, and if so, which one?");
define("M71","Not a new game");
define("M72","Yes, a new game, but none of the choices in the poll are interesting");
define("M73","Parallel parking with use of the handbrake");
define("M74","Why not park it like this?");
define("M75","Another car and road game, but find something else");
define("M76","Pépère on the countryside has to swing by moving his head and feet");
define("M77","An idea of Roger and Unk: Pépère and his truck");
define("M78","Pépère, caught up in traffic, has to make it to the freeway");
define("M79","Pépère covered in snow, gliding on a circuit");
define("M80","Pépère out on the sea on his yacht, slaloming between buoys");
define("M81","Pépère skiing, surfing, slaloming");
define("M85","Overall statistics");
define("M86","With thanks to the member of this website for those statistics ");
define("M88","latest winner");
define("M89","latest Pépère fights");
define("M90","Messages about");
define("M92","Personal statistics");
define("M96","an activation email will be sent to this email address");
define("M97","Avatar url (i.e. https://exemple.com/picture.jpg)");
define("M98","Viewed %d times");
define("M101","best scores");
define("M103","Press the circle on the top-left for replays");
define("M104","Pépère is getting annoyed! Can't you do it? Perhaps try Pépère's handbrake...");
define("M105","Tell a friend");
define("M106","Congratulations to all players");
define("M107","All scores");
define("M108","Scores from position");
define("M114","The holidays of Pépère ");
define("M115","Pépère at sea");
define("M116","Pépère, his car and his parallel parking");
define("M118","Pépère covered in snow");
define("M119","Dangerous Pépère");
define("M120","Angry Pépère");
define("M121","Pépère is getting mad");
define("M124","Flash games - Online game - fun");
define("M125","Flash games");
define("M126","New messages");
define("M129","The parallel parking");
define("M130","Truck under the coconuts");
define("M131","Artistic parallel parking");
define("M132","Circuit under the snow");
define("M133","Play for your country!");
define("M134","Latest update");
define("M140","Who are the best: boys or girls");
define("M141","Your opinion about these stats...");
define("M142","No messages.");
define("M143","Just one message.");
define("M145","Messages from");
define("M147","last page");
define("M148","Next game");
define("M152","You must be logged in and registered to post here.");
define("M153","Post a message.");
define("M157","Edit profile");
define("M158","Empty login");
define("M159","Password must have between 4 and 20 letters.");
define("M160","The password is not correctly confirmed.");
define("M161","Incorrect e-mail, please enter a valid e-mail. Your account will be activated through it.");
define("M162","Your avatar is not correct, must be from one of this types: «.jpg», «.jpeg», «.gif», «.png» or «.bmp».");
define("M163","There was a problem with your account. Write us to solve this problem.");
define("M164","The email with activation key has not been sent, please write to us to resolve this problem.");
define("M167","An email with activation key has been sent to");
define("M168","An error occurred while registering!");
define("M169","You are not logged in anymore, all cookies have been removed.");
define("M170","Edit your profile");
define("M171","Note that you have to authorize cookies to keep your connection alive.");
define("M172","Latest visit");
define("M173","Wrong login");
define("M174","Wrong password");
define("M175","Your account is not activated yet, you should have received an activation email at the address you have registered, please check your mailbox.");
define("M176","Login or password unknown. If you do not have a login, you can create one here.");
define("M177","This login is already in use by another member.");
define("M178","Don't use HTML tags or special characters, please try again...");
define("M179","The profile has been modified.");
define("M180","You´re not conected.");
define("M181","Fight this Pépère.");
define("M183","Not classified");
define("M184","in vacation under coconut trees");
define("M185","make his parallel parking");
define("M186","is getting angry");
define("M188","the replay");
define("M195","T-Shirt Quality Pépère");
define("M198","More circuits under the snow.");
define("M199","The message has been modified.");
define("M202","Problem. Unknown message or invalid rights.");
define("M203","The message has been deleted.");
define("M204","Edit a message");
define("M205","Delete message");
define("M207","Members from");
define("M208","Welcome to «Annuaire pépère». This is a directory of online flash games selected by Pépère for their quality and their simplicity. It is translated in many languages owing to many net surfers who like Pépère. Thanks to all of you for your participation and your support to the «Pépère project»!");
define("M209","Annuaire pépère, its strength is its simplicity!");
define("M210","If you like Pepere, you can share it with your country fellows, by translating it in your favorite language. Just click on the country flags to view the translation pages.");
define("M212","adventures of Pépère");
define("M214","Latest news");
define("M215","Latest games added to the directory");
define("M217","Help us translating in your <b>favourite language</b>!");
define("M218","Your message");
define("M220","Your account is activated, you can connect!");
define("M223","Don't forget to login to update your personnal stats.");
define("M224","Translation of the website");
define("M226","Winners of the month");
define("M228","Choose the word or sentence you want to modify.");
define("M230","Reason for modification (post in French or English)");
define("M231","There are no untranslated items, this language should be online soon or is already!");
define("M232","Correct wrongly translated words or sentences");
define("M233","The rules");
define("M234","the game");
define("M235","the scores");
define("M236","The goal of the game is to complete a lap in either of the 2 routes as quickly as possible.");
define("M237","To start the game, click on «Play» or press 's', and then use the cursor keys to drive.");
define("M238","Don't reload the page to restart, there is «Stop» button for this. And above all, don't cheat, it's very easy to do, and there is no interest.");
define("M240","The comments must be written in french or english, avoid insults and ads. Please respect this rule because this is a lot of work to moderate.");
define("M241","The goal of the game is to park the car.");
define("M242","The car is «parked» when the invisible points around the car are all in contact with the dark grey zone between the 2 cars.");
define("M243","The goal of the game is to park the trailer in reverse gear under the coconuts.");
define("M244","To start the game, click on «Play» and use the cursor keys.");
define("M245","You must use hand brakes (space bar) in order to gain as many artistic points as possible.");
define("M246","The trailer is «parked» when the invisible points around it are all in contact with the orange zone under the coconuts.");
define("M247","You can look at the replays of other players clicking on the up left green circle. As the number of replays is very high, a daily selection is done containing the best ones and a hundred of aleatory replays.");
define("M249","The %d best scores are kept in database, the 20 best scores with a link towards a (non adult) page are shown on the main page. Only one score by pseudo, don't be surprised if your former replays are deleted.");
define("M250","Those languages are currently translated by users, you can translate or modify a few words online to help us.");
define("M251","Love boat Pépère");
define("M254","The boat and the buoys");
define("M255","The goal of the game is to slalom between the buoys following arrows.");
define("M256","Wet level");
define("M257","Captain Pépère");
define("M259","Members to challenge");
define("M264","Motor sports");
define("M266","Multiplayer games");
define("M267","Flash games directory");
define("M268","Submit a new game in this category");
define("M269","description, instructions");
define("M271","Translated by %s");
define("M272","Submitted by %s");
define("M274","100x100 image url");
define("M276","To submit a new game in the directory, just go to the correspondant category and click on «Submit a new game in this category».");
define("M277","name, alias, web site (30 letters max), this text will be displayed in acknowledgements.");
define("M279","game site's url");
define("M280","Pépère thanks you for your participation");
define("M281","Translation of the game");
define("M282","The directory contains %d games");
define("M284","Your email address has already been registered to a member of http://www.pepere.org .");
define("M285","Contact the webmaster if you have lost your password.");
define("M286","The webmaster is on holiday...");
define("M287","The message board has been temporarily locked.");
define("M288","TOP 50 most diligent players");
define("M289","Champions of perseverance");
define("M291","Organized by the number of attempts in all games");
define("M292","Former poll");
define("M293","Number of messages");
define("M294","Number of translations");
define("M295","All messages");
define("M297","Latest visit");
define("M299","Private message");
define("M300","World champion");
define("M301","Currently online");
define("M303","Latest member");
define("M304","Be informed of new game release");
define("M308","Submit a new article");
define("M309","article theme");
define("M310","Site news");
define("M312","Online games");
define("M313","Flash animation");
define("M314","Flash development");
define("M316","If you would like to post an article here, contact the webmaster");
define("M317","ALL the games on ONE page");
define("M318","Air Magic Pépère");
define("M322","Pépère flash games laboratory");
define("M323","Welcome in Pépère laboratory. You will play here some flash games which will be later selected or not in the official Flash Games Adventures of Pépère. Your comments on these games are welcome.");
define("M324","news article");
define("M328","You develop flash games, java games, flash animation, shockwave games and you want to know what is the opinion of pepere.org visitors and members about your work? Write to us.");
define("M329","You have proposals, ideas of improvement, you want to help the pepere.org project? Write to us.");
define("M330","These are the administrators of pepere.org. They answer your questions, moderate the forums, translate this website in many languages, submit ideas, test the new games and the website, reference pepere.org in their country etc.... Thanks to them for their great work. If you want to help and join the pepere.org team too, write to us.");
define("M331","Administrators list");
define("M332","You can support the pepere.org project without any money, just give us a little part of your time, your knowledge and your energy.");
define("M333","By clicking twice on the flag of your language, you will reach a page which contains the latest translations to be done. Even translating one word would be of a great service to us.");
define("M334","Why don't you join to pepere.org as an administrator for your country ?");
define("M335","Share an interesting experiment and write articles in the pepere.org news, about Macromedia flash, about online games, or any subject which can interest the visitors of pepere.org, it is also possible, just write to us and explain what you want to say. Pepere.org can only reward articles by a link of your choice.");
define("M336","Talk about pepere.org around you, put a link on a website, etc... You may use these banners.");
define("M337","Help us");
define("M338","Pepere.org is a project without any budget, opened to suggestions and run by volunteers.");
define("M339","Practice 3-point shooting. There are no high scores; it's just for fun");
define("M340","Webmasters, copy this source code onto your website an you will see a new game icon and link, the latest online game selected by Pepere every day.");
define("M341","Game selected by Pepere.org");
define("M342","Plateforms game");
define("M343","Ability games");
define("M344","Equilibrium games");
define("M345","Old games");
define("M346","The elephant game");
define("M349","The distance contest");
define("M350","The splash contest");
define("M351","Pepere.org is also programming its own flash games.");
define("M352","Members only area");
define("M353","Everyday a new game");
define("M355","Programmers, gamers and employers");
define("M356","Job offers");
define("M357","The newest games");
define("M358","Most played of the month");
define("M359","Best games of the month");
define("M360","«3xFlash» is a multilingual platform where the amateur or professional game programmers, gamers, and talent seekers can meet each other.");
define("M361","Submit a new game");
define("M362","Permission of the author is required for copying and using games and works shown on this website in other electronic, internet or printed publications.");
define("M363","Amateur, professional, freelance programmers or firms, this place is your place, sub,it your work and show your know-how, take advantage of the advice and praise of developers and players, and catch the job offers of recruiters.");
define("M364","Recruiters, simply submit a new job offer in the corresponding section which will be read by the developers of this network or look at the demonstrations and propose you offer directly to a programmer.");
define("M366","The best and most viewed games will be highlighted.");
define("M371","Submit a new job offer");
define("M372","Website (http://...)");
define("M373","Be warned by email when receiving a personal message");
define("M375","Freelance worker");
define("M377","Opened to job offers");
define("M378","We ask you to translate these texts into all the languages that you know so that it is understandable for as many people as possible.");
define("M379","To translate your texts, display them on the corresponding page and change the language. A clickable flag will appear next to the text if it is not already translated into this language.");
define("M383","File to upload");
define("M384","Allowed extensions");
define("M388","You have received a new message on pepere.org");
define("M389","Your email address will not be shown nor published");
define("M390","Developer profile");
define("M391","This is the first time you upload your work, please first enter your programmer profile.");
define("M393","Rate this work");
define("M394","Your philosophy, your way of working, your dreams, something else to say?");
define("M395","Sorry, you have already rated this work for the current month.");
define("M396","basketball-billard game");
define("M397","The best players of the country");
define("M399","Discuss, learn, and share, the best way to improve yourself.");
define("M400","Put your games online, get back opinions, advices and glory for the best works.");
define("M401","Take up the challenge");
define("M402","Smart and small, the games must be under 200Kb");
define("M403","The source code in a compressed file .zip");
define("M404","You don't know where to start with?");
define("M405","2xFlash is a multilingual platform where the game programmers and gamers can meet each other.");
define("M406","Programmers and gamers");
define("M408","Avatar ( < 30Kb )");
define("M409","Only members can register their scores for these games.");
define("M410","Manage your highscores with this MX2004 / Flash 8 Actionscript 2 code example.");
define("M411","This code is valid only for your next uploaded game.");
define("M412","If you own a website, subscribe to google adsense, enter the following fields and 40% of the advertising banners displayed on your game pages will be yours.");
define("M413","For each new game you want to upload, you must obtain the parameter <b>params</b> in order to manage the highscores. Go on this page while being connected as a membre of pepere.org to get the <b>params</b> value.");
define("M414","A game created by xyz");
define("M415","Member of the moment");
define("M416","The best players of the world are on Pepere!");
define("M417","Java games");
define("M418","On Pepere we are developing online games that can be played on your internet browser. We use Flash, Java and are opened to all upcoming technologies.");
define("M419","Since 2004, the «Pepere spirit» has gathered a strong community of %d players and game developers.");
define("M420","The exclusive games created by the Pepere.org team");
define("M421","The games developed by the members of Pepere.org");
define("M422","More and more talented games developers trust our platform to show their games to a large audience.");
define("M423","Since 2005, the Pepere.org team is also using this platform to present its games.");
define("M424","A selection of the most innovative and interesting games that can be played with your internet browser on other websites.");
define("M425","Pepere is translated in many languages thanks to the contribution of all visitors and members. We thank all of you for your support to the «Pepere project»!");
define("M426","And the winner is...");
define("M427","Here in Pepere we would like to play your games. We appreciate smart, light and quick games.");
define("M428","Game developers, submit your games here and get feedback and opinions from a community of experienced gamers");
define("M429","When you send a game to Pepere.org, we will share google adsense proffits with you.");
define("M430","This platform, which was originally designed for developing Flash-game, is also compatible with Java-games.");
define("M431","If you wish to do an online-game, you might find experienced people from the forums, who are willing to help you.");
define("M434","View the next translation");
define("M435","To translate well is better than to translate fast");
define("M436","Don't use automatic translation tools");
define("M438","You have just registered with Pepere.org, please click on the following link or copy and paste on your web browser's url field to activate your account");
define("M443","Submit a correction");
define("M445","Older revision");
define("M446","Newer revision");
define("M448","Approval by the administration team is needed before your changes will appear");
define("M449","Enter the code exactly as you see it");
define("M450","Confirmation code");
define("M451","Add to favorites");
define("M452","High scores");
define("M453","Best level designers");
define("M454","Direct link : http://www.pepere.org/");
define("M455","Play for high scores");
define("M456","You must be a pepere.org member to save your score.");
define("M459","I forgot my password");
define("M460","To log in, please use the password supplied in the e-mail you received");
define("M461","Sorry, but your password cannot be retrieved because your account is currently inactive");
define("G0","List of beta testers");
define("G1","Beta tester");
define("G2","Add a new beta tester to this game");
define("G3","Add a new administrator to this game");
define("G4","Administrators of the game xyz");
define("G5","Administration privileges");
define("G6","All the games developed by xyz");
define("G7","This game only");
define("G8","Game levels");
define("G9","Popular levels");
define("G10","Official levels");
define("G11","New levels");
define("G12","The newest first");
define("G13","The most popular first");
define("G14","The most played first");
define("G15","The less popular levels are periodically removed from the database.");
define("G16","The game administrator can edit, update, promote, and remove the levels created by the community.");
define("G17","The game administrator can edit, update, remove the highscores.");
define("G18","The beta tester can view and test the game before it's available for everybody.");
define("G21","To be modified");
define("G22","Your favorite levels");
define("G23","Your own levels");
define("G24","Create a new level");
define("G25","Approval by the game administrators is needed before your level will appear to other players");
define("G26","Levels to be evaluated");
define("G27","Play the official levels");
define("G28","Javascript must be enabled in your browser to play this game.");
define("G29","You must be a pepere.org member to create your own levels.");
define("G30","Congratulations, you have completed all the official levels.");


A pepere.org oldal adminisztrátorai átolvassák, javítják és elfogadják a közösség fordításait. Várjuk a kapcsolatfelvételét annak, aki jól beszél angolul és néhány órát hetente rá tud szánni a fordításra.
  [Terjessz be egy javítást Magyar]
Translated by nangi

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