Eventyr - 116 Spil |
Opniyama This is more an interactive art work than a game. Climb the slopes of Opniyama (yama means Japanese mountain) and discover the jokes of this vertical world! Arrow keys, Q to fire, Q to jump, A to drop a see, S for the map and Z to quit. [Oversætte ] [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(0) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af jp |
Grow cube Grow cube is the sequel of now famous Grow games. Drag and drop items, one-by-one, in a chosen sequence to get all items to their maximum level.
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Rumvæsner i værelset Det er din opgave at undslippe fra værelset. Klik på alle stederne, tag objekterne og brug dem ved at trække og slippe. [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(1) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af http://www.geocities.com/em_kicki/index. |
My Diamond Baby My Diamond Baby is another single-room point-and-click game created by Project C-Time! and Haruo Seto. Involved in a motorcycle accident, you regain consciousness locked in a room. There are multiple challenging puzzles within the game. [Oversætte ] [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(8) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af jp |
Desarmering af bombe! Du har 20 minutter til at finde og desarmere bomben. Brug musen til styring og pres "T" hvis du vil putte en ting væk! [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(1) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af Inflames |
Carnyville Created by Mark Arenz. The object of the game, as with most point-and-click games, is to find and collect various objects that will allow you to progress through the game. A slight difference from the others: this one provides several arcade mini games all along the play. [Oversætte ] [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(0) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af jp |
I Hamunaptas Skygge Bare få den lille opdagelsesrejsende igennem hvert af de 8 niveauer, ved at springe fra platform til platform og samtidig undgå fjender og fare. Uendelig liv. [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(1) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af rubel |
The Adventures Of Buttlock Side-scrolling odyssey. Amazing graphics, this looks like a hand-drawn hand-to-hand battler in the style of Alien Hominid or A.L.I.A.S. [Oversætte ] [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(0) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af jp |
Grow Puzzle and role playing game created by ON of Eyezmaze. Every item has rules with which it levels-up and interacts with the other items. The object of the game is to get all items to their maximum level by dragging them in the correct order.
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The wand house The Wand House is a flash game for point-and-click fans. This time the puzzles are really difficult and surely some of you will give up before the end. [Oversætte ] [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(0) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af jp |