Multiplayer spil - 57 Spil |
HOST HOST is a very funny game by Edmund McMillen and Caulder Bradford. HOST is an organism, but not a living one. You play against real players. The point is to kill other HOSTs and eat their hearts. Remember, HOSTs can't swim!
To kill, you have two ways to attack: A to shoot and S to attack with your head. Spacebar to jump.
When you have killed one of your opponents you can eat their hearts. Go to the heart and press S. When you eat a heart, you grow bigger. The more hearts you eat, the easier it is to kill you... [Oversætte ] [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(0) - Tilmeldt af Wormhole / Oversat af Wormhole |
Artillery Live Dette er multiplayer-versionen af det berømte Tanksspil. Op til 4 spillere på samme slagmark. Brug musen til at indstille skuddene og dine bevægelser. Spillet er så simpelt, som et multiplayer-spil kan blive. Det loader hurtigt og du kan hurtigt spille med andre. [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(0) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af Madeleyne |
Jelly battle Godt lille multiplayer spil. Du spiller med den blå Jelly jumper. Brug musen til at hoppe rundt på spillepladen, mens du hopper på våben og power-ups, mens du undgår minerne. Prøv at vinde over 3 modstandere. Du skal nå level 3 før du kan starte multiplayer delen. [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(1) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af birjolaxew |
Sunflowers A field of sunflowers with figures on the petals. Rotate the sunflowers (only thos over white background) in order to get the number of 10 on the 2 adjacent petals. You play against an human opponent. The first to complete the field wins. Very nice game. [Oversætte ] [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(1) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af jp |
Toltec Rings Toltec Rings is antoher multiplayer game by Gamesheep (authors of Crystal clear). You must send all the rings in the open mouths of the frogs. Use the mouse and the red ring to push the other rings. [Oversætte ] [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(10) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af jp |
Minigolf Aapeli is a finnish website editing a lot of exclusive multiplayer java games, available in many languages. Here are the english version of their great free games. The one I've picked, is a classic minigolf game that seems to provide many interesting levels and a fun multiplayer mode. Becareful, it's really addictive.
Try also the top games of the site : a multiplayer pool game, Bubbles, a clone of "Puzzle bobble" and many other great games. [Oversætte ] [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(0) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af Wormhole |
Multiplayer Koi Koi Bryon Vandiver's "Multiplayer Koi Koi" combines a Japanese card game called Hanafuda with a multiplayer ranking system to bring the excitement (registration required). Before starting, read the rules.
A detailed review on JayIsGames. [Oversætte ] [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(1) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af jp |
Krystal Klar - Multiplayer Krystal Klar bruger de klassiske spillemekanikker, og målet er at matche de samme farver. Men spillet er multiplayer, og som sædvanligt hjælper det med til at forstørre spilleglæden. Man skal dog være registreret (hvilket er gratis), for at spille.
Fyld din modstanders plade med krystaller så han eller hun ikke kan bevæge sig. [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(0) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af t-roland |
Sploder With Sploder, "the online game maker", "you can design your own games of any size and shape!" Actually what they call "games" seems to be "levels". From a game to another, the objects are very similar, only the shape of the playable area and the position of the objects are variable. Anyway, it's a very interesting experiment. After registration, it's very easy to create and share your own level. I made this quick and stupid level in 5 minutes. The game itself, is a little bit boring, but I guess it can depends on the levels. You can find the most popular level on their home page.
[Oversætte ] [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(0) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af jp |
KTerning Husker du det fremragende Dice wars? Her kommer multiplayer versionen, udviklet i Flash af Ryan Dewsbury, skaber af det fremragende multiplayergpoker. Dette spil er en perfekt kombination af strategi og held. Pas på, det er meget vanedannende! [Tilføj en korrekt ] Kommentarer(0) - Tilmeldt af jp / Oversat af Emu |