Esports de motor - 75 Jocs |
Rolling Turtle Here is a game I've just released at The engine is inspired by Jump Gear and of course, like all game on BL, you can create and share your own levels (just like in Capsules). The game will be featured as well on with highscores enabled, as soon as there are enough levels created by the community. [Traduiu ] [Proposa una correcció ] Comentaris(2) - Enviat per jp / Traduït per jp |
Raptor Safari A Unity3D game (you have to install the plugin if not already installed).
Good physics. Not the most complex indepth game ever, but what it does it does pretty nicely.
Another game using the Unity Web Player : Splume.
[Traduiu ] [Proposa una correcció ] Comentaris(0) - Enviat per jp / Traduït per jp |
High Speed Chase For once, a good flash car game. Your goal is to take down the targets (cars with a surroounding blue circle). The zoom in/out feature depending on your speed is great. Arrow keys to turn, accelerate and brake. [Traduiu ] [Proposa una correcció ] Comentaris(0) - Enviat per jp / Traduït per jp |
Micro Racers 2 Nice little racing game. Arrow keys to drive and space bar for nitro. 3 modes, trial, challenge and championship.
Check also the first version Microracers 1. [Traduiu ] [Proposa una correcció ] Comentaris(0) - Enviat per jp / Traduït per jp |
Hamrace Once again, a unique physical game developed by Dan-Ball. This is a kind of Jump gear game in which the wheels have been replaced by ... Hamsters. The rear wheel/hamster is activated by mouse's left-click, the front is activated by right-clicking. Once again a wonderful physical engine by Dan-Ball and a fun game, depite I wish we could feel a better control over the hamseters. [Traduiu ] [Proposa una correcció ] Comentaris(1) - Enviat per jp / Traduït per jp |
Duck Fight Un simple i divertit Shockwave 3D de disparar per l'equip japones "Bamse". La barra d'espai per disparar i les fletxes de cursor per bellugar.
Un altre joc Shockwave per Bamse: Backlash. [Proposa una correcció ] Comentaris(0) - Enviat per jp / Traduït per ricard |
TG motocross 3 Wonderful graphics and perfect physics for the latest motocross game by David Thoburn (after TG motocross and TG motocross 2). Up arrow key to accelerate, down arrow key to brake, side arrows to balance and Z, X, C, V, B to perform tricks. [Traduiu ] [Proposa una correcció ] Comentaris(2) - Enviat per jp / Traduït per jp |
Polar drift Carrera contra rellotge. Com es habitual amb els Jocs d'en David Thoburn, fisica realista i disseny polit [Proposa una correcció ] Comentaris(2) - Enviat per jp / Traduït per ricard |
Doggles Vs Baron Van Hare This simple promotional game is quite enjoyable. Surprisingly, the game has nothing to do with dogs and grayhound racing, which is a highly controversed sport. You drive a plane (arrow keys) and you must dive, go left and right to aim red circle targets. About 30 available tracks. Very simple gameplay but quite challenging.
[Traduiu ] [Proposa una correcció ] Comentaris(0) - Enviat per jp / Traduït per jp |
Hummer Rally Championship Hummer Rally Championship is a 3D racing game developed by GameZhero (authors of [dirid=948]Zorro tank[dirid]). The graphics and the physical simulation are very well done and your opponents are fairly hard to beat. It is not the most innovative game of the year but the lovers of car games might like it. [Traduiu ] [Proposa una correcció ] Comentaris(1) - Enviat per jp / Traduït per jp |