Estratègia - 234 Jocs |
Mercury Drops Object of this simple and pleasant game is to survive as a mercury drop. Contact smaller or the same size drops to form a bigger drop. Avoid contacting with bigger drops. Use mouse to change drop's direction.
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El joc del MacDonald's Has de controlar tots els aspectes de la indústria de les hamburgueses, des de la creació de pastures fins a l'escorxador, des de la gestió del restaurant fins a la campanya publicitària. El joc és interessant i mostra la dificultat d'establir l'equilibri correcte entre recursos i ingressos. Vigila el comptador de diners, ja que el joc s'acaba quan aquests disminueixen. [Proposa una correcció ] Comentaris(10) - Enviat per jp / |
Parking zone Try to park each car on the space of its colour. Click with the mouse on the car you want to move and it will drive to the empty space. You can use 50 attempts and each unused attempt earn you 10 points. [Traduiu ] [Proposa una correcció ] Comentaris(0) - Enviat per dewas / Traduït per jp |
Hot air Guide the balloon from its green launch pad to the red target pad. Use the mouse to control the fan. 20 lovely levels with irresistible pixel graphics reminiscent of an old-school Mario game. [Traduiu ] [Proposa una correcció ] Comentaris(0) - Enviat per jp / Traduït per jp |
Goldwell Try to catch all the gold of the mine in a minimum of time. Arrows control the pipe. Keep an eye on the moles and other strange animals which can destroy the pipe. You can eat these animals to save time. [Traduiu ] [Proposa una correcció ] Comentaris(0) - Enviat per dewas / Traduït per dewas |
RayRay Parade Make all the little RayRay men stand up at once. This is a very classic gameplay but those RayRays are so cute... A game developed by Chris Clements. [Traduiu ] [Proposa una correcció ] Comentaris(0) - Enviat per jp / Traduït per jp |
Splash back Here comes a very creative brain game, with an intersting design featuring gelatinous and oscillating green blobs. You start 10 drops in your tank, use them to grow blobs until they burst. Create combos to earn more drops. [Traduiu ] [Proposa una correcció ] Comentaris(7) - Enviat per jp / Traduït per jp |
Battlegrounds Build and lead your army through the missions. Solve the quests you are assigned and collect gold. Hire new warriors, new weapons, new spells. If you liked "Warcraft" and "Defend your castle", this is game will keep you playing for a while... [Traduiu ] [Proposa una correcció ] Comentaris(1) - Enviat per jp / Traduït per jp |
Movie Puzzle The guy who made the famous Eyezmaze Growth games, has started a blog and submited this nice little puzzle game. 4 colors, a simple concept and a very addictive gameplay. 10 minutes of pure pleasure. [Traduiu ] [Proposa una correcció ] Comentaris(0) - Enviat per jp / Traduït per jp |
Ball Bounce (Rebota la pilota) L'objectiu del joc es tirar la pilota a l'altra banda de la pantalla, fent-la rebotar en les parets negres i evitant les parets grises. No puc passar del nivell 7! [Proposa una correcció ] Comentaris(7) - Enviat per jp / Traduït per broken |