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Country : France
Registration 23 February 2005 06:28
Latest visit 22 June 2006 15:32

Personal statistics
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Rebounds   Not classified

2 1 68 35 12 April 2005 10:31
Save the earth   Not classified

2 4692 6719 5706 19 May 2005 08:59
Striking Saints   581417 points. Rank : 128

1 581417 581417 581417 21 July 2005 17:56
Pépère and his trailer
  66.11 points. Rank : 2812       REPLAY        

1 66.11 66.11 66.11 21 April 2005 10:16
Gloops   Not classified

1 75 75 75 12 April 2005 10:33
This game SUCKS   Not classified

1 1 1 1 20 June 2006 10:01

Latest update : 20 September 2024 05:39

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