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Country : Brazil
Registration 7 March 2005 00:46
Latest visit 2 March 2007 11:14

Personal statistics
1  2  Next  
The parallel parking
  126.97 points. Rank : 9648       REPLAY        

53 -23.15 126.97 57.74 19 October 2006 13:40
Pépère on the rocks
  Not classified

26 23.07 160.85 130.69 25 October 2006 21:22
Centrifuge   Not classified

26 0 50 12 17 April 2005 21:49
Captain Pépère
  192.83 points. Rank : 2996       REPLAY        

23 65.21 192.83 167 18 April 2005 00:19
Air Magic Pépère
  Not classified

20 5 18 12 2 March 2007 11:50
  709   279         39.35%
Rebounds   Not classified

19 1 83 24 18 April 2005 23:17
The elephant game
  Not classified
11 -31.65 60.39 25.4 19 April 2005 00:23


The elephant game
  Not classified
11 1.84 72.62 34.7 19 April 2005 00:23

Latest update : 12 September 2024 21:17

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