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Country : Turkey - Antalya
Registration 10 July 2005 00:12
Latest visit 13 August 2008 13:14

Personal statistics
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Worm racing   Not classified

1 18 18 18 11 July 2005 13:51
Striking Saints   195887 points. Rank : 306

1 195887 195887 195887 11 July 2005 14:02
Cold Fusion   Not classified

1 481 481 481 11 July 2006 14:53
Noname Game   Not classified

1 138 138 138 13 July 2006 07:04
Gloops   149 points. Rank : 182

1 149 149 149 27 July 2005 22:42
Soccer challenge   Not classified

1 0 0 0 13 August 2008 13:22
Pépère on the rocks
  Not classified

1 3.27 3.27 3.27 27 July 2005 22:36

Latest update : 20 September 2024 22:56

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