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Country : Poland - Polska
Registration 11 September 2005 00:13
Latest visit 18 September 2005 16:05

Personal statistics
1  2  Next  
Diams   0 points. Rank : 590

70 0 0 0 11 September 2005 01:54
Rebounds   Not classified

11 1 77 32 11 September 2005 01:36
Centrifuge   Not classified

6 0 0 0 11 September 2005 01:59
Gloops   Not classified

4 41 75 59 11 September 2005 02:16
Flash Snake   Not classified

3 1 4 3 11 September 2005 01:57
Save the earth   Not classified

2 2859 2859 2859 11 September 2005 01:02
The elephant game
  Not classified
2 16.9 21.55 19.23 11 September 2005 01:24


The elephant game
  Not classified
2 0.88 1.09 0.99 11 September 2005 01:23

Latest update : 26 September 2024 01:12

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