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Website (http://...)
Country : France
Registration 15 October 2005 10:15
Latest visit 26 January 2006 21:48

Personal statistics
The parallel parking
  Not classified

5 72.43 100.51 82.99 23 October 2005 14:55
Pépère on the rocks
  Not classified

4 114.93 168 146.98 23 October 2005 14:25
Captain Pépère
  Not classified

3 56.49 182.87 102.64 23 October 2005 14:40
Air Magic Pépère
  Not classified

2 2 5 4 23 October 2005 14:30
Hand brake Pépère
  Not classified

2 192.14 207.89 200.02 23 October 2005 15:00
Pépère and his trailer
  68.11 points. Rank : 2734       REPLAY        

1 68.11 68.11 68.11 23 October 2005 14:32

Latest update : 17 September 2024 20:50

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