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Country : Romania -
Registration 29 October 2005 20:56
Latest visit 3 November 2005 17:23

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GoWild   Not classified

5 72 95 87 3 November 2005 09:09
Pépère on the rocks
  Not classified

4 45.4 137.02 102.64 2 November 2005 20:15
Save the earth   Not classified

4 4375 6431 5419 2 November 2005 19:03
Worm racing   Not classified

3 17 22 19 3 November 2005 09:11
Ringmania   Not classified

3 1523 4959 2787 3 November 2005 18:49
Gloops   Not classified

2 60 67 64 3 November 2005 17:38
The elephant game
  Not classified
1 47.12 47.12 47.12 1 November 2005 18:48
Striking Saints   296607 points. Rank : 243

1 296607 296607 296607 2 November 2005 19:12

Latest update : 22 September 2024 20:55

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