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Country : Turkey - Türkiye
Registration 7 July 2006 11:51
Latest visit 29 March 2008 14:06

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Ringmania   Not classified

7 0 1664 1183 22 July 2006 18:21
Camera Mind   48 points. Rank : 76

6 6 48 21 5 November 2006 06:23
Bat Vs Ball 1.0   Not classified

5 310 873 647 21 February 2007 10:06
Centrifuge   Not classified

5 0 20 4 11 July 2006 09:56
Flash Snake   Not classified

5 1 16 9 9 July 2006 07:07
World of Archoon   Not classified

3 40 140 100 20 February 2007 05:25
The elephant game
  Not classified
3 -3.72 42.64 14.98 23 July 2006 18:28


The elephant game
  Not classified
3 11.45 43.53 29.45 22 July 2006 18:29

Latest update : 28 September 2024 02:19

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