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Country : Turkey - Türkiye
Registration 7 June 2007 18:56
Latest visit 10 June 2007 11:55

Personal statistics
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Bat Vs Ball 1.0   Not classified

14 310 1436 592 7 June 2007 19:53
The elephant game
  Not classified
12 -98.78 149.9 47.78 8 June 2007 15:27


The elephant game
  Not classified
12 19.04 117.29 66.61 7 June 2007 20:11
Football   Not classified

11 1 10 4 8 June 2007 15:43
The parallel parking
  Not classified

5 -7.86 60.4 19.12 8 June 2007 15:40
Crazy Mammoths   Not classified

4 1 4 3 8 June 2007 15:51
Sweet side scrolling squid swimmer   1570 points. Rank : 244

4 37 1570 846 8 June 2007 16:12
Save the earth   Not classified

2 4435 4590 4513 7 June 2007 19:33

Latest update : 26 September 2024 18:03

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