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Country : Finland
Registration 19 June 2007 13:03
Latest visit 7 August 2007 18:23

Personal statistics
Rebounds   Not classified

6 0 47 14 22 June 2007 08:07
Skydiver   Not classified

5 57099 92324 77072 7 August 2007 07:42
Crazy Mammoths   Not classified

3 1 3 2 30 July 2007 07:36
Jump Gear - Random   Not classified

2 188 250 219 19 June 2007 13:24
Touch The Bubbles   Not classified

2 100 146 123 22 June 2007 08:10
World of Archoon   Not classified

2 10 40 25 22 June 2007 08:23
Speed Squid   759 points. Rank : 266

2 407 759 583 1 July 2007 08:53

Latest update : 25 September 2024 08:59

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