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AnglishtFrengjishtFinlandishtÇekePortugezePortugezeItalishtPolakeGjermanishtTurkishtNorvegjishtHollandezeSpanishtHebraishtDanezeRomanishtSllovakeHungarishtSuedishtKatalonjeKroateGrekeKineze e thjeshtuar
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shteti : Peru - Perú
Rregistrimi 24 Prill 2008 15:51
Vizita e fundit 7 Maj 2008 21:22

Statistika personale

azhornimi i fundit : 13 Mars 2025 07:26

Mesazhi fundit Mesazhi  fundit
  Profili     Mesazh unglücklich ( 8 Maj 2008 17:31) : ''''''''hola busco traductor del turco al español por favor.. gracias . aqui dejo el mensaje :

lütfen grubuma üye olurmusun bu akşam konserim var tek başıma çıkamam ne olur.sana güveniyorum. ''''''((but ı dont know spanish))

please do you member to my group?_ ı have a concert in this night.I can't do it alone.please.I'm trusting to you.

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