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Pepere - Lojra Flash - Java lojra

Drejtoria - Lojra ne linje - Lojra Flash - Java lojra
Kjo eshte nje seksion i lojrave shume interesante qe mund te luhen me internetin tuaj ne site te tjera.
Line Rider - Qejf Jellify - Strategji Tycoon Online - Lojra me shume lojtare Agar.io - Lojra me shume lojtare Earn to die - Sport me motora Lost Outpost - Aventure FreeCiv ( Civilization clone in HTML5 ) - Lojra te vjetra Guilded Youth - Aventure Dammit Snake - Sforcim International Kungfu Warior - Qejf Reprisal (Populous remake) - Lojra te vjetra Craequ - Strategji The Love Letter - Aventure Snailiad - Strategji Greens Survive when Reds Die - Strategji
Pepere.org - Lojrat
Këta lojtarë të mirë janë nga skuadra Pepere.org
Moonlights Jump Gear 2 Rolling Turtle BLockoban Crazy Mammoths Capsules Jump Gear - Random One On One Soccer challenge Ringmania 2 Babboon & friends World of Archoon Ringmania Save the earth Rebounds Bilboquet game Kapiten Pépère - Lojra Flash Pépère on the rocks - Lojra Flash Pépère dhe makina e tij - Lojra Flash Pépère dhe rrimorkjoja e tije - Lojra Flash rrezik Pépère - Lojra Flash Air Magic Pépère - Lojra Flash Loja e elefantit - Lojra Flash
Programues dhe lojtare
Lojërat të themeluar nga anëtarët së Pepere.örg. Nje numer gjithnje me i madh i krijuesve te lojrave kane besim te piataforma jone ne menyre qe te bejne te njohur lojrat nje publiku sa me te madh. Since 2005, the Pepere.org team is also using this platform to present its games.
Moonlights Tweet Force 21 Balloons Dung 12 Seconds Love Overdose Sproing Reloaded ZIAG! - The Simplest Game On Earth Kersplat Jump Gear 2 Pumpkin Supply Slippery Side Swipe Mega Fortress Spider in the rain Pawel and the Teutonic Castle

Line Rider - Qejf Jellify - Strategji Tycoon Online - Lojra me shume lojtare Agar.io - Lojra me shume lojtare Moonlights Jump Gear 2 Rolling Turtle BLockoban Pépère dhe rrimorkjoja e tije - Lojra Flash rrezik Pépère - Lojra Flash World of Archoon Cold Fusion Love Overdose Crazy Mammoths Jump Gear - Random Rebounds Pumpkin Supply Veggie Fling EsTension Ringmania Hedgedog launch - Qejf TypeRacer - Lojra me shume lojtare Spinning circle - Sforcim Flea World - Aksion Comboling - Strategji Cat car - Sforcim Mbret i kodrines - Aksion ClickClickClick - Qejf Albanese - Lojra te vjetra The Love Letter - Aventure Operation G.R.A.D.U.A.T.E.S. - Aksion Fly Plane - Sport me motora BubbleZ - Lojra me shume lojtare Wake up the box - Strategji Turbo spirit / Turbo racer - Sport me motora Cubic Exploding Goro - Sforcim Guimp, smallest website of the world! - Lojra te vjetra DR3I Andkon Arcade - Sforcim Spank the monkey - Qejf Push - Strategji HOST - Lojra me shume lojtare 10 seconds challenge - Sporte Smoke City - Aventure Float light - Sforcim Tower Defence - Lojra te vjetra Hot air - Strategji Samorost 1 & 2 - Aventure The amazing and famous Bouncy n' Bob - Qejf Magic Pen 2 - Strategji Sunflowers - Lojra me shume lojtare Mbrojtja Ajrore 3,lufta ajrore e fundit - Aksion Twin Hobbot Rocket! - Qejf Twizzle - Strategji Monkey slide - Aksion Formation - Sforcim Long jump - Sforcim BLockkoban 2 - Strategji LocoRoco online - Qejf Dirt Bike 2 - Sport me motora Panda Pang Game - Aksion Z-rox - Strategji Bacteria Tower Defense - Strategji Funky Truck 4WD - Sport me motora City Jumper New York City - Sforcim Wir sind die gutten - Qejf Waterslide Slalom - Qejf Tycoon Online - Lojra me shume lojtare Puzzled Sheep - Strategji Prinici i Persisë - Lojra te vjetra Jelly battle - Lojra me shume lojtare Uchu Force - ウチューフォース - Aksion Tealy Orangey - Sforcim MOTAS - Mystery Of Time And Space - Aventure Epic war 2 - Aventure Ciko:alien aksidentalisht - Aventure Rise of atlantis - Strategji Lightning Pool - Sporte Foolyoo - Qejf Gravity Pods - Strategji Trackmania Sunrise - Sport me motora Mindfields 2204 - Strategji Bowmaster prelude - Strategji Flower power - Lojra te vjetra Stick RPG Complete - Aventure Globs - Strategji Gara me pengesa - Sforcim Honoloku, ecologic game - Aventure Shift 4 - Strategji Raiden 2 part A - Lojra te vjetra Shroomz - Quest for Puppy - Strategji Dyson telescope game - Strategji Tangram game - Lojra te vjetra FA18 - Strike force - Aksion Indian outlaws - Lojra te vjetra Paintball - Strategji Hamster keeping to the left ( はむレース ) - Qejf Don't let go - Sforcim Magic pen - Qejf Snow rush - Strategji Sky fire - Lojra te vjetra Miners4K Bilboquet game Capsules Save the earth One On One Ringmania 2 Babboon & friends Soccer challenge ABC Diams Centrifuge 12 Seconds Flash Snake Sproing Reloaded ZIAG! - The Simplest Game On Earth Jump Knight 21 Balloons Kersplat CyBalls Tweet Force Bat Vs Ball 1.0 Dung Camera Mind Football Life of Squid Vomiting snake Fishy Falldown Virus Cheese planet game Unicycle Challenge Skydiver Touch The Bubbles Tunnel Rush Critical Mass Colorz Suna Sudoku Nano Bot Mega Fortress Pawel and the Teutonic Castle Spider in the rain

Ne pepere po zhvillojme lojra online qe mund te luhen ne browserin tuaj. Perdorim Flash, Java dhe jane hapur te gjitha teknologjive te reja.
Që nga 2004 Peperët kan marrë shumë 44860 lojtarë dhe skuadra. Pepere eshte e perkthyer ne shume gjuhe faleminderit per kontributin e te gjithe vizitoreve.

Lajmet e fundit Lajme - Lajmet e fundit
Prezantuar nga jp
Perkthyer nga jp
18 Korrik 2023 Flash is alive, Pepere is alive!
     Er.. well, as you know, Flash is dead since the 1 jan 2021. And our dear pepere is a site games made with Flash. BUT. For those. Who still wants. To play the games. You can install the Flashbrowser. What is this? It's an open source browser (based on Chromium which is also open source), that uses the latest flash plugin released by Adobe in 2020. As far as I can know, it's safe, at least on Pepere games.
Happy holidays to all of you and see you very very soon for next update (in 10 years).
[PerkthimShqip]   [Bej nje korrigjimAnglisht]

Nqs te pelqen Pèpère, mund te bashkpunosh me patriotet e tu duke e perkthyer ne gjuhen tuaj. Kliko tek ikona e Flamurit per te filluar perktimin.

Ju zhvilloni lojra ne flash, lojra ne java, flash animim, lojra shockwave dhe doni ta dini cili eshte mendimi i pepere.org visitoreve dhe anetareve rreth punes tuaj? Na shkruani.

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