Ice Age: Scrat Jump - המשחק
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Ice Age: Scrat Jump

29 מאי 2006 10:02
     A game developed to promote the release of the movie "Ice Age". Totally inspired from the Yetisports games but still funny. Level 1 is played entirely with mouse. Click the left button to start, and click again when Scrat is in the hit area to set the angle of the jump. Level 2 is not available without a code, it seems to be a marketing trick but I don't know how it works...עברית

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הודעה אחרונה הודעה אחרונה
  פרופיל     הודעה ‌ ‌ (29 מאי 2006 12:07) : Le mot de passe pour le niveau 2 est : AIRHEADS
  פרופיל     הודעה ‌Kenshi ‌ (29 מאי 2006 22:13) : Tellement inspiré que c le gars qui fait Yeti's sport qui les a fait ^^ !(je dis les car il ya 4 jeux en fait)

enjoy it ^^ !

  פרופיל     הודעה ‌seb@s ‌ (13 מאי 2009 18:16) : QUE ROLLO

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