Utilisez les flèches du clavier pour allonger ou racourcir la bras tournant. Essayez de rammasser les carrés blancs avec le bout noir de la centrifugeuse et évitez les carrés rouges sinon game over!
Message Polio1 ( 20 juin 2006 14:09) : What r ur tactics? Mine's shrinking after taking every one, if it is too dangerous to take it. Is this a good tactic, or are there better ones? Message d0nn0r ( 20 juin 2006 17:34) : mine tactic is tooooo play realy fast until i have 1000 and then realy careful Message X-man ( 6 juillet 2006 05:54) : my tactics are to not shrink but to have it in the midle as much as posible, your reaction is faster there and it moves faster there. i never play careful and always take risks, it is a realy easy game. Message talha_2752 ( 15 juillet 2006 05:05) : oley 680 yaptım Message stevernofski ( 28 septembre 2006 17:07) : he!!! what's the tactic in this game myne hihgscore is just 50
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