| Profilo del programmatore admin
Profilo del programmatore - Amatoriale
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5 Giochi | | 
| Kersplat Using the mouse, gather batteries for bonuses and avoid getting caught between the quickly moving walls. [Tradurre ] [Inviaci una correzione ]Tradotto da admin | |

| Slippery Side Swipe Move the mouse accordingly, to control the four paddles, up, down, left, and right. The playing field is slippery, making the paddles more difficult to control. Keep the ball in the playing field and collect all 5 blue coins for extra life. [Tradurre ] [Inviaci una correzione ]Tradotto da admin | |

| Mega Fortress Spara a tutto, distruggi carri armati , jeep, e molto altro.
Controlli : usa il Mouse per sparare e lo Spazio per cambiare arma. [Inviaci una correzione ]Tradotto da merate1993 | |

| Spider in the rain You're a spider sitting on a wall. You try to catch flies by jumping on them. The only thing you need to look out for is the rain. If you get wet you'll eventually drop dead. [Tradurre ] [Inviaci una correzione ]Tradotto da admin | |

| Pawel and the Teutonic Castle Attack the Teutonic Castle! Use the mouse to aim and shoot at the Teuntonic soldiers, and try to survive as long as possible.
Use the arrow keys (or WASD keys) to move left or right in order to avoid enemy attacks. [Tradurre ] [Inviaci una correzione ]Tradotto da mrsneeze | |