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NeerlandèsProgrés : 1014 / 1938 [Mostra la següent traducció ]

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The stork eater

In order to play this game you must enter a name but the website is optional.
You can choose to play the game in the gore or xray mode, this simply means you get blood and guts or skeletons to indicate death and destruction. Monsters snap up the storks who are delivering babies. It is your job to catch the babies in the pram and deliver them to the hospital. Empty your pram before it gets too full. To do so simply click on the hospital and the babies are taken away and you get a new empty pram. Do not catch the little brown nodules falling from the sky, I'm not sure what they are but they kill the babies in the pram if you catch them.

correu electrònic

nom, àlies, lloc web (màxim 30 caràcters), aquest text es trobarà als agraïments

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