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Sesam invaders

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Again another twist on the [gameid=76]Space invaders[/gameid] theme. This time you must shoot down the incoming "words" by typing all their letters before they reach the ground. As the game is coming from Norway, words are in norwegian and the game is easier if you speak the language. The gameplay is very similar to the [dirid=106]Play4Traffic game[/dirid].
Again another twist on the [gameid=76]Space invaders[/gameid] theme. This time you must shoot down the incoming "words" by typing all their letters before they reach the ground. The game originates in Norway, and the words are in Norwegian. It will be a lot easier if you speak the language. The gameplay is very similar to the [dirid=106]Play4Traffic game[/dirid]. There is however one problem when playing in English or any other language and that is if your keyboard doesn't have the unique Norwegian alphabet "characters" then you're toast. You automatically lose a player/round if you miss even one word and without the keyboard "characters" that happens as early as Round 2.


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