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Site'nin tercümanı - World of sand

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World of sand

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There's really no point to this game except to play around and see how things flow. It's like a zen garden. You can stop the time, change the pen size, build walls, make growing plants, start a fire ect... It's a java game (using processing API), as it's too CPU intensive for flash. Game developpers will think about java more seriously after seeing this game.
In true Zen fashion there is no winning or losing in this Java "game" which uses API processing (it would be too CPU for flash). Think of it as a Zen garden for your PC. You create and control everything on the screen. You can stop   time, change your "pen" size, build walls, grow plants, start a fire and so on, all in a world of falling sand. Game developers will sit it and take notice of Java after viewing this "game".


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