Rehber Oyunlar

Site'nin tercümanı - GeoWars

Site'nin tercümanı - Online oyunlar (Rehber)

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This is a tribute to the [url=]Geometry Wars[/url]. The game is made by XceeD-team.
The goal in this game is survival. You have only 5 lives from the start, and 5 big bangs too. When you are in a sticky situation press spacebar to detonate one of the big bangs...
Move by arrowkeys and mousebutton to shoot. Remembr to point at your enemy, don't forget where your pointing!
There are several powerups for you (stopping the time ect.) and those are always large and white.
There are vaurious set of enemies for you to kill, so inspect them (how do they move) and try to predict where are they heading.


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