Adress spel

Översättning av websidan - Hook, line & sinker

Översättning av websidan - Lineup spel (Adress)

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Hook, line & sinker

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Move the boat back and fort by moving the mouse and click the mouse to drop the line and catchth fishes.
Moving the mouse from left to right will move the boat in the same directions. Left click on the mouse and that will drop the line to catch the fish. Each round consists of the number of fish you must catch in a specified period of time. It can be any type as long you meet the quota with one type. Catch extra fish prior to making your quota and use them to purchase longer and stronger line which will make more types of fish available to you. Watch out for those sharks, not only do they not like to be hooked, but if you do it too often, they'll tip you out of the boat.


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