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Oversettelse av websiden - Happy new year 2006!

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Happy new year 2006!

For this brand new year, Pepere.org is of course working on a new game. The main concept is ready, but developping this one will be a hard work. I'm also thinking about a sequel to Ringmania.

I will also try to improve the interface of pepere.org, allowing to send comments about the games of the directory and about the news article.

I will maybe add the possibility to make a donation with Paypal. As developing games is not my main activity, the only way to release more and better games, is money.

This year 2005, after 57376 attempts all over the pepere.org games, congratulations to [userid=11328] who has become the [b]champion of the "Pepere.org fights"[/b]. I'm sure that [userid=10181] will try to get the title back during the year 2006. By the way, for those who like orkut, Rodrigo has created an [url=https://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=3918246 ]orkut pepere.org comunity[/url].

To finish with and as usual, [b]a big thanks to the adminz of pepere.org and the translators from all over the world who spend a little time to help us developping this website[/b].

Happy new year to all of you :) !

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Oversatt av Clane Krows