Adresár Hry

Preklad Stránky - Diams


Preklad Stránky - Online hry (2xFlash)

FrancúzskyAnglickyPortugalskyPortugalskyRuskyŠpanielskyČínsky (zj.)JaponskyNěmeckyPoľskyMaďarsky


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Each player has 8 pawns of 2 colors. At each turn, the player can put or move a pawn (or a stack) on the board. You have the reds and the yellows.
Each player has 8 pawns of 2 colors. Every turn the player can put or move a pawn (or a stack) on the board. You have the reds and the yellows.

Pawns can be stacked until 4 stages. A pawn (or stack) can only move one step.

Pawns can be stacked until 4 stages. A pawn (or stack) can only move one step.

To win the game you must be the first to complete a «Diam». A «Diam» is 2 pawns of the same color and on the same stage of the stack in front of each other. The lowest level doesn't count.
To win the game you must be the first to complete a «Diam». A «Diam» is 2 pawns of the same color and on the same stage of the stack across from one another. The lowest level doesn't count.

Each time you win, you gain 1 point, each time you loose, you loose 1 point.
Each time you win, you gain 1 point. Each time you lose, you lose 1 point.


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Na preloženie týchto pár slov a viet do tvojho obľúbeného jazyka stačí len 1 minúta. Team Pépére nemá prostriedky na zaplatenie profesionálnych prekladateľov, ale ak sa ti táto stránka páči, zjednoduš ju aj pre ľudí z tvojej krajiny. Nemusíš prekladať všetko, políčko, ktorého význam nevieš alebo nechceš preložiť, ponechaj prázdne.
Preklady skontrolujeme predtým, ako ich zverejníme.
Ďakujeme ti za pomoc.
  [Skontrolovať správnosťSlovensky]