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Prijevod web-sitea - Bubble Islands

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Bubble Islands

Bubble islands, inspired from the famous [dirid=431]Bust a move - Puzzle Bobble[/dirid], is definitely one of the best online game production ever. The game has already been played more than 1,000,000 times (about 50,000 a day!). It was developed by a talented developer called [url=]marmotte[/url] from Switzerland. Three different game modes, 10 playable characters, many secrets to unlock, 100 puzzles. You can read more details about the game and the developement adventure [url=]here[/url]. Thanks to marmotte for making such a great game that is very fun to play and very inspiring for game developers. Keep visiting the site as the game (currently in v0.5) is constantly improved (new heroes, new modes, 3 heros battle, management of epxerience points to improve the skill of your hero, to unlocked new modes and new levels, etc...). A multiplayer version is also in the pipe, can't wait to play it...


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