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Traducció del web - Roxik Pictaps

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Roxik Pictaps

Pictaps is a fascinating toy. You can draw a 2D characters and watch your drawings and their clones dancing in 3D. Just click on "Paint" to start create your own character. Your drawings are saved in database (for how long?), you can also view the dancing puppets created by other visitors. Note that each animation is provided with a direct link you can send to your friend to show them your creations! This animation is actually an incredible artwork, done by 32 years old [url=https://roxik.com/]Masayuki Kido[/url] living in Japan. Thank you Masaoyuki for this fresh and innovative work!
You can also watch this other [url=https://roxik.com/toy1.html]nice interactive toy[/url] by the same author.

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