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Traducció del web - Plankton Life

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Plankton Life

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This game is created by Mijael Bueno. The object of the game is simple: Avoid, Eat, Evolve!
This game was created by Mijael Bueno. Avoid, Eat, Evolve!

You are a plankton. To evolve, you have to eat balls wich are coming from top of the playing field and travelling to the bottom. As you are trying to catch them, avoid mean fishies and spiky balls (NOTE: The chain doesn't hurt you).
You have 5 lives, wich can be seen at the bottom of the screen. If you collide with a fish or spike ball you start to lose your life.
There are 2 modes in this game: Easy (Drag it with mouse) and Hard (Arrowkeys).
If you hit a wall or an enemy you start to bounce around... It's sometimes difficult to catch, so avoid the walls!
At the end of each level there will be a boss waiting for you. Those bosses are unpredictable and fast. You can't hurt them so all you can do is wait for them to leave.
As the plankton in this top   to bottom scrolling game, you must avoid the hazards (fish and mines), and eat the energy balls in order to evolve.
the bottom of the screen your five lives are shown, but you lose one each time you hit a hazard.
You are guided by the Mouse (easy mode)
or the Arrow Keys (hard mode). If you lose control of the plankton and it hits the walls, it can be difficult to get hold of again before a lot of damage is done.
level ends with an encounter with a Boss. Expect the unexpected as they can be very unpredictable.

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