Llista Jocs

Traducció del web - Soccer challenge

Soccer challenge

Traducció del web - Jocs on-line (2xflash)

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Soccer challenge

[b]Soccer Challenge[/b] is a set of 8 mini games based on the theme of soccer (football) that has been developed to celebrate [url=https://fifaworldcup.yahoo.com/]FIFA World Cup 2006[/url]. You control a small blue footballer with the mouse and must accomplish 8 challenges against time. Your global score is the sum of the 8 scores. The skills required to enter the highscores or even to become the [b]world champion[/b], are ability, strategy, and quickness (and [url=https://www.pepere.org/login.php?lang=#l#]being registered[/url]).

- If the game is too slow, toggle the quality by clicking on the "Q" button.
- Another game about football is nearly completed, so check out the [urlin=https://www.pepere.org/flash-development_#l#_3x/3xFlash_h_.html]home page[/urlin] from time to time ^_-.

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