Drejtoria Lojrat

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What's new?

Korrigjim i vjeterKorrigjim i ri
[flimg]https://www.pepere.org/work/image_39.img[/flimg] [flimg]https://www.pepere.org/work/image_45.img[/flimg] [flimg]https://www.pepere.org/work/image_44.img[/flimg] [flimg]https://www.pepere.org/work/image_47.img[/flimg] [flimg]https://www.pepere.org/work/image_48.img[/flimg]
[flimg]https://www.pepere.org/work/image_39.img[/flimg] [flimg]https://www.pepere.org/work/image_45.img[/flimg] [flimg]https://www.pepere.org/work/image_44.img[/flimg] [flimg]https://www.pepere.org/work/image_47.img[/flimg] [flimg]https://www.pepere.org/work/image_48.img[/flimg]
Many new games has been added these days. The excellent [gameid=39]myDiamon[/gameid] by [userid=32033], this incredible java game [gameid=45]miners4K[/gameid], and [gameid=44]Fastshoot 2[/gameid], the sequel developed by [userid=31682] who improve his art each time he submits a new game on pepere. More recently, [gameid=47]Cold fusion[/gameid] and [gameid=48]Cyballs[/gameid] (my favourite), have been added by [userid=33463].

Thanks to all the developers who trusted pepere to show their excellent games. I also must recall that [b]game developers like feedback[/b]. Don't hesitate to [b]post comments and to rate their work if you wish them to resubmit such excellent games again[/b].

Almost every day game developers send their latest creations to Pepere to be considered for inclusion on our site. One example, is an excellent new game [gameid=39]myDiamon[/gameid] by [userid=32033]. Two incredible new Java games, [gameid=45]miners4K[/gameid] and [gameid=44]Fastshoot 2[/gameid] have also been added recently. The second game is a sequel developed by [userid=31682] who although already very skilled, somehow manages to amaze us each time he submits a new game to Pepere. [userid=33463], has also created some new games which have been added   to our growing list. They are, [gameid=47]Cold Fusion[/gameid] and my personal favourite, [gameid=48]Cyballs[/gameid]
I would like to thank
all the developers who have put their trust in Pepere and allowed us to showcase their innovative and creative new games.
developers create games for all of us to enjoy and the only way to improve or perfect these games is through feedback from players like you. Please don't hesitate to post constructive comments or suggestions that you think will enhance the games. Giving the game a fair and honest rating also helps improve the creative process. This type of interest, encouragement and even criticism will help the developers improve their craft and hone their skills. This is a win/win opportunity for both players and developers. Players get to "test drive" one of a kind new games and developers are given an opportunity to receive valuable input and encouragement.
<table width=100%><tr valign=top><td><center>[img]https://www.pepere.org/images/news/peperesoccer.gif[/img]
<table width=100%><tr valign=top><td><center>[img]https://www.pepere.org/images/news/peperesoccer.gif[/img]
[b]SoccerChallenge, the next pepere game...[/b]</center></td><td>
[flimg]https://www.pepere.org/work/image_42.img[/flimg] For the pepere games, most of you already saw that [gameid=42]Ringmania 2[/gameid] has been completed. I had very good feedbacks on this game and it makes me happy.

The next pepere game will be on the soccer theme. [b]It's nearly completed and will be called "Soccer Challenge"[/b] ^_^ ...

For the website life, I would like to implement a forum to help flash and java game developers. I would also like to add new services for members like notifications when new games are added. It would be also interesting to create sub-categories and include new games in the "[url=https://www.pepere.org/s_#l#_ab/bpf_e.html]pepere fights[/url]". Finaly, I think that the possibility to create polls would be very useful to get the opinion of the members on the website choices. But we'll take our time to make it as the priority is still developing new games ^_^.</td></tr></table>
[b]A new Pepere game is in the final stages of development and   will soon be released. It is based on a soccer theme and will be called, Soccer Challenge...[/b]</center></td><td>
[flimg]https://www.pepere.org/work/image_42.img[/flimg] Many of you have played
the newest Pepere game, [gameid=42]Ringmania 2[/gameid]. I am happy to say that I have received very good feedback from members and I would like to thank all those who took the time to submit their comments.

I would like to make some changes which I think will improve website.
The first is to create
a forum devoted to helping Flash and Java game developers.
I am considering a newsletter which members can sign up for. It would come in the form of an email notification letting members know when new games have been added to the site.
It may
also be interesting to create sub-categories and include new games in the "[url=https://www.pepere.org/s_#l#_ab/bpf_e.html]Pepere Fights[/url]".
Another idea
that is under consideration, is a system, possibly using polls, to encourage members to provide opinions and suggestions about what they would like to see added or changed on the site in the future.
priority   still remains the development of new games, so it may be some time before you see these ideas developed and put into place. ^_^.</td></tr></table>


emri, pseudonimi, adrese interrneti (30 letters max), ky texst do te lidhet tek falenderimet.

Fut kodin njesoj si e sheh

Shpenzoni një minutë nga koha juaj e vlefshme për të përkthyer në gjuhën tuaj këtë listë fjalësh apo fjalishë. Grupi " Pépère " nuk ka mundësi të paguajë profesionistë. Nëse dëshironi që kjo adresë Interneti të jetë e lehtë për t'u përdorur nga bashkëkombësit tuaj dhe që ju të mos keni nevojë ta përktheni të gjithë listën, lërini bosh fjalët që nuk dini ose nuk doni t'i përktheni. Përkthimet do të vlerësohen shpejt dhe më pas do të paraqiten në faqen e Internetit.

Ju faleminderit shumë për ndihmën Tuaj!
  [Bej nje korrigjimShqip]
Perkthyer nga ebru,ebrubest