Директория Игры

Перевод вебсайта - Swoop-to-nuts

Перевод вебсайта - Игры он-лайн (Директория)

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Swoop-to-nuts is an exquisite little time-waster. You control a flying squirrel and must gather nuts to increase your energy and try keep the squirrel flying. The game is over when you touch the ground. Move the mouse left to go up and move the mouse right to dive. Neat graphics, simpe and efficient game mechanics. Very addictive. Detailed review (in english) [url=https://jayisgames.com/archives/2006/01/swooptonuts.php]here[/url].
Swoop-to-nuts is an exquisite little time-waster. You control a flying squirrel and must gather nuts to increase your energy and try keep the squirrel flying. The game is over when you touch the ground. Move the mouse left to go up and move the mouse right to dive. Neat graphics, simple and efficient game mechanics. Very addictive. Detailed review (in english) [url=https://jayisgames.com/archives/2006/01/swooptonuts.php]here[/url].


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