Директория Игры

Перевод вебсайта - Onslaught

Перевод вебсайта - Игры он-лайн (Директория)

ФранцузскийАнглийскийПортугальскийПортугальскийрусскийИспанскийКитайский упрощенный ЯпонскийНемецкийПольскийВенгерский


Onslaught is a defend-your-base game, except the attackers are trying to get into the Area 51. Now you have to kill every attacker that's moving in the road. To do that you have four different types of turrets to choose from and upgrades to help them.
Red Turrets are fast, very deadly and those can reach pretty far, but also very pricy to upgrade.
Blue Turrets have pretty good range, damage power and quickness. But it sometimes freaks out, so keep your eyes field!
Green Turrets have medium range, speed of fire and deadly. Cheap to upgrade and they can link together (When linked 25% is added to the beams power).
Yellow isn't very good at anything... But when upgraded enough these babys can stun the attacker for a small while. These turrets can also freak out.
But there's a twist in the game. As you proceed the game, you get more and more turrets for you to use. So live longer, get stronger.
There are also 4 plain modifiers that can increase fire ect. and 3 "Excange turrets" witch can double the range and so on. There is also one last twist: You can link the turrets! By linking the turrets, everything changes. It's up to you to figure out when to link and wich ones...


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